[glue-wg] DENY rules

Burke, S (Stephen) S.Burke at rl.ac.uk
Tue Apr 15 04:14:16 CDT 2008

Maarten.Litmaath at cern.ch [mailto:Maarten.Litmaath at cern.ch] said:
> Has this syntax been discussed:
>     VOMS:/foo
>     DENY:VOMS:/foo/abc
>     DENY:VOMS:/foo/xyz

That was what Balazs was proposing in the meeting. My point was that
it's quite hard to define that syntax in a generic way - for example,
what if you say


does the DENY apply to a rule in a different scheme? Effectively if you
go that way you have two different kinds of rules, deny-rules and
allow-rules, and you have to process all the deny-rules first - and if a
parser can't interpret a rule (e.g. it only knows about VO: rules) it
can make a wrong decision (although GLUE isn't a Policy Enforcement
Point so that doesn't violate security, it just makes things

  Anyway, Balazs' use-case seemed to be basically the one above, i.e.
"cutting out" some part of the space from an allow rule because it's
easier than listing all groups explicitly. I was suggesting that you can
do that in a simpler way that having a fully generic DENY syntax.
(Incidentally, note that EGEE has explicitly said it won't use DENYs,
because it makes things too complicated.)

  One final point, consider this (perhaps overcomplex) rule:

allow /atlas/*
   except for the subgroup /atlas/higgs
      except that you still allow the subsubgroup
        except for the subsubsubgroup /atlas/higgs/production/test

With the :except: scheme you could do that:


With DENYs I don't think you could do it, DENY:VOMS:/atlas/higgs would
override the second rule.


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