[gin] Thoughts on the airplane home (GIN, PGI, Cycle sharing)

Andrew Grimshaw grimshaw at virginia.edu
Sat Oct 30 11:01:27 CDT 2010


I thought we had a very productive OGF.  A number of interesting and
exciting results in GIN, and solid progress on PGI requirements and a
discussion of how to meet those requirements going forward.


A couple of things stuck in my mind - so I thought I'd get them out there
and get a response.


First, with respect to GIN.

I thought the demo's, particularly the use of the BES endpoints in SAGA,
were very informative. Particularly when one keeps in mind that at least the
Unicore/futuregrid resources were not even available until Friday afternoon
(eastern time!).


I agree with the sentiment that we should build on this very successful
demo. In particular most groups have either done simple extensions to JSDL,
or used existing mechanism in a particular way. Ditto with BES factory
attributes. Several ideas came up (Morris, chime in I think you were keeping


Profiling we can do fairly easily:

File system

                JSDL specifies how file systems can be defined - Mark
correct me on this. We use one we call SCRATCH as a place to cache files
that are large and constant, including often zip files that contain
applications. We tell JSDL to mount it, we then use the "don't overwrite on
stage-in" JSDL flag, and the "don't delete when you're done" flag. This is a
huge help.


Extra attributes

We have found a need for several extra BES factory attributes and the use of
those in JSDL matching. I'm guessing many of you have done this as well.

These include whether an application is installed, whether static linking is


I also think that while we are waiting for PGI to figure out how to deploy
applications that we have a simple convention for applications, something


And then if the BES factory has that, then by convention that

APPX_PATH and APPX_LIB_PATH are defined and can be used in some sort of



File staging - demo of sites that support FSE at SC. We discussed that
several implementations support FSE. Let's test that interop. It really
changes the set of applications you can run if you can copy them onto the
machine.  If we can get a set of endpoints that support FSE we'll
(GenesisII/XCG) set up a meta-scheduler that takes JSDL and manage them
through the life cycle on the endpoints of the different implementations
.This might also form the basis for some cycle trading ...


Re: FutureGrid. I also want to repeat that if groups want to put up
standards based implementations of services on FutureGrid (OGSA-BES, RNS,
WS-Trust, ByteIO, gridFTP, SRM) we will work with them to make it so. One of
the goals of FutureGrid is to provide PERSISTENT standards based endpoints
with which to test.


Second, with respect to PGI

Application deployment/management. This came across as the number one
requirement. This came as a surprise to me, though I agree it is an
important next step to make execution services (OGSA-BES) more useful. There
are at least two ways to handle this problem - one I'll call manual
installation, configuration, and reification (MICR), and the other I'll call
automatic deployment, configuration, and reification (ADCR).



This is definitely the easy case. 

First, an application is deployed at/on a site/compute resource. Appropriate
metadata is added to the resource metadata or an information service is
updated with information on the local bindings for the executable, paths,
libraries, etc. 

Second, once a placement decision is made by a job manager (I'm using the
OGSA-EMS term, here think meta-scheduler), the JSDL document that contains
an abstract application name is reified (transformed) to have the
site-appropriate values for the application.

Third, the JSDL is sent to the compute resource.


I believe this is basically how UNICORE 6 does this now.



ADCR is similar to MICR except the deploying step of setting the application
up and configuring the metadata is done automatically by a service. For
simple applications - a single executable, or maybe a zip file that needs to
be unzipped, this is easy. It can get complicated really fast. We at Genesis
II defined a very simple deploying service combined with a reification
service that worked for the easy case - executable and zip file. I can dig
up the documentation on this if anyone is interested.


I believe that the general case for this is a tarpit for a standards body. I
have a PhD student working on it J. 




**** A note on reification

>From Wikipedia

Reification generally refers to bringing into being or turning concrete.

Specifically, reification may refer to:

*	Reification (computer science)
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reification_%28computer_science%29> , making a
data model for a previously abstract concept

In this context I refer to taking an abstract JSDL that may give an abstract
name of an application, e.g.,

<JSDL-abstract-application-name>/bin/biology/blastp-v5 </


That might occur in a JSDL file, and then making it concrete for a
particular endpoint by transforming the JSDL to have the actual local path
name and defining any environment variables needed. We discussed this
problem extensively in the OGSA, OGSA-EMS, and OGSA-BES working groups. A
strawman interface was even defined. 




Once again the importance of this came as a somewhat welcome surprise. I
believe this is of considerable interest to UNICORE. Perhaps they could take
the lead on this one. Is it simply a problem of the JSDL not being
expressive enough to both select appropriate resources and pass topology
information down to MPI? In other words, is this an easy problem? Or is
there something else I am not seeing?



The single greatest impediment to the GIN demonstrations was working out the
security stuff. Andre was pretty clear about this. In other words, the
functional aspects of the standards were not the problem - the certificates
and other stuff were. It has been suggested that it may be time to dive back
into this. We spent quite a bit of time on it 18 months ago. The result was
a DRAFT profile document by Duane Merrill that bifurcated the profile into a
transport level security profile based on delegated X.509 certificates and a
message level security profile - primarily aimed at SAML
cman.root.input_documents.security_material.comm_profile/doc15575) . I know
that there was a lively debate about how to proceed. 


PGI profile

This is the big question. We've gone through use cases, requirements,
counting up the use cases that require each requirement, and two approaches
to meeting those requirements (see slides). 

How are we to proceed?  Should we ask each proposer to provide more detail?
Should we solicit more proposals? Should we work through both paths? Should
we vote? 


My own interest is in extending the existing specs and working with GIN to
drive spec modifications. If we go with extending the existing specs - BES
in particular, should we modify BES just a little and leave the basic
factory and management pattern the same? Or go with a cleaner model more
consistent with what Bernd presented (return an activity handle <EPR?> and
then manage the activity directly). 


Either way we need make some decisions and move forward.


Third, with respect to Cycle sharing

At first I thought that the cycle sharing BOF did not lead to any interested
in trying this out. As the week wore on my initial impression proved
mistaken. Johannes followed up with several other groups and we may indeed
have a sufficient critical mass to proceed. I will ask Joel to set up a
source forge site and email list. Once that is set up I will email these two
mailing lists with subscription information. My thoughts are to leverage the
efforts of the GIN group and perhaps start with all agreements and SLA's
being done by humans and verbal discussions - and see if we can actually use
others cycles effectively using the existing technology before we leap into
anything too complex. 

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