[gin] Feedback about HPCBP and BES

Steven Newhouse Steven.Newhouse at microsoft.com
Wed Jun 4 08:04:39 CDT 2008


These are my combined notes from the HPCP-WG (which discussed current and future extensions) and the GIN session that was providing feedback on BES/HPCBP/JSDL specifications.

Hopefully, we can use this to drive future BES and HPCP WG activities.


In no particular order:
* File Staging Extension: Should support EPRs in the Source & Target elements in addition to just URIs. This will enable data transfers from end points (such as ByteIO, DMI, etc)
* File Staging Extension: Current model assumes that the HPCBP service pulls data into the container. A use case is to get something back to the client so that they can upload/download files into the job workspace.
* GLUE Profiling: Now that GLUE is entering public comment we should look at how we can use this within BES to either replace the current BES information model or define a port type to provide GLUE information.
* Attribute Support: How information relating to a user's attributes can be provided with the job request... for instance SAML attributes document for UNICORE job submission through BES.
* State Change Request: If the BES state model is extended to support (say) suspend and resume how does the user initiate this state change?

It was observed that the BES-Activity port exists in BES but is not used. This could provide an opportunity to use this port type to provide:
* Operations to upload/download files into an activity specific file space
* Provide a state change request to the activity (i.e. suspend) as part of an extension to the BES state model
* Renew/provide a credential for access to external resources from the BES container

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