[gin-info] [Fwd: Fw: Proposal for convergence on the grid information model]

Yuji Saeki ysaeki at grid.nii.ac.jp
Mon Jul 10 00:44:34 CDT 2006

I forward mails among Satoshi, Laura and Laurence. (1)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fw: Proposal for convergence on the grid information model
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 16:00:00 +0900
From: Satoshi Matsuoka <matsu at is.titech.ac.jp>
Reply-To: matsu at is.titech.ac.jp
To: laura at isi.edu
CC: matsu at is.titech.ac.jp, Philip Papadopoulos <phil at sdsc.edu>,Charlie
Catlett <catlett at mcs.anl.gov>,"Laurence Field"
<Laurence.Field at cern.ch>,Yuji Saeki <ysaeki at grid.nii.ac.jp>


So far the GIN discussions have moved somewhat forward, including the
information model and services. This email is to ask you whether you
will be interested to co-chair the effort with me.

Based on the discussions that got kicked off with your categorization
which I have made into the GIN-Info slides (avaliable from Gridforge). 

Although the EGEE-OSG interoperation is achieved already, and some of
the EGEE-NAREGI efforts are underway, we need to make progress as a
whole GIN effort, esp. in launching the efforts to make the
interoperation actually work (albeit in its first form) by SC. 

I heard from Jenny that you could be interested in actually leading the
efforts from the TeraGrid/Globus side. In dicussion with Laurence Filed
@ CERN (EGEE) and Yuji Saeki (NAREGI), they both agreed that, if you
could be proactive in the effort, the whole team would progress greatly,
and are willing to contribute.

So, again, would you be interested? I have started the GIN efforts with
Charlie, but with my various responsibilities at a higher project
management and technology lead level, it is difficult for me to focus on
a particular activity within GIN. If you would be the co-lead, with
effective whip cracking it will be great for everyone.

Hoping to hear from you soon.
						Satoshi (M)

Satoshi Matsuoka,  Professor
Global Scientific Information and Computing Center 
 & Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Address: 2-12-1 Oo-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8552 Japan
Tel&fax: +81-3-5734-3876   E-mail: matsu at acm.org, matsu at is.titech.ac.jp

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