[gin-data] gin meeting at GGF18 and future plans

Erwin Laure Erwin.Laure at cern.ch
Tue Aug 22 02:41:36 CDT 2006


The GIN meeting at GGF18 will take place on

*Monday, 10:30-12:00 and 14:00-15:30*

The detailed schedule of the meeting isn't set yet but I try to have the 
data part covered in the first slot.

I'd like to organize it in the following way:

GridFTP interop tests: status, issues (Gregor)
SRM interop tests: status, issues (Alex)
SRB interop tests (including interop with SRM): status, issues (Reagan)
Further plans (Erwin)

Could the proposed speakers please let me know if they are OK to give 
the proposed presentation? It should probably not be longer than 10 
minutes each. Also, we should try to have instructions ready how new 
sites can use the tests themselves and check their interoperability status.

For the last part I'd like to start some discussions on the mailinglist 
on what should be done next. Items that have already come up include 
gridftp tuning and the SRM interface to SRB. Other topics?

Looking forward to seeing you in Washington!


-- Erwin

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