[gin-data] Email address confirmation for VO gin.ggf.org (fwd)

Raj Kettimuthu kettimut at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Aug 1 16:28:33 CDT 2006

I requested a VO membership on gin.ggf.org and got this email. There was
this note at the end of the email: "The VO administrator will probably
contact you to confirm account creation."
No one contacted me yet. My DN is not added to grid-mapfile located at
http://kuiken.nikhef.nl/gin.ggf.org/grid-mapfile either. It would be
helpful if someone you add my DN to the gridmapfile.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 00:41:44 +0200
From: okoeroo at nikhef.nl
To: kettimut at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: Email address confirmation for VO gin.ggf.org

Email address confirmation for VO gin.ggf.org

A request for a VO membership on gin.ggf.org has been made using this
email address.

If you have not made this request please ignore this message.  It
would be helpful if you would contact the VO registrar and tell us
about this bogus request.

If the request was made by you, please click on the following URL to
confirm this email address,


Make sure you have your client certificate loaded in your browser.
One way to ensure this is to copy and paste the above URL into the
same browser that you used to submit the request.

If you wish to confirm the request another way, then you need the
following information:

	Request number     : 33
	Confirmation cookie: ta7zehcij380dnfb

Once you have confirmed your email address the following information
will be sent to the VO administrator:

	Name            : Kettimuthu, Rajkumar
	Email           : kettimut at mcs.anl.gov
	Institute       : Argonne National Laboratory
	Phone Number    : +1-630-252-0915
	Certificate DN  : /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Rajkumar Kettimuthu 227852
	Certificate CA  : /DC=org/DC=DOEGrids/OU=Certificate Authorities/CN=DOEGrids CA 1
	Comment         : I'm requesting access to run some GridFTP interoperability tests

The VO administrator will probably contact you to confirm account

Thank You,
	VO Registration

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