[gin-data] SRM interop plan

Ian Foster foster at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Apr 19 11:34:19 CDT 2006


Don't hesitate to consult with the Globus team with such questions.


At 09:30 AM 4/19/2006 -0700, Alex Sim wrote:
>Recently we encountered a problem in communication between GT3.2 and GT4
>client and server. GT4 client doesn't reach the GT3.2 server any more, nor
>vice versa, through the same interface, whereas they do communicate within
>the same GT versions. I'm not sure if it's related to this GSS module issue,
>and there seem few issues around framework and versions.
>These are important issues that we as a collaboration have to resolve for
>our interoperation and compatibility. Let's try to compile the list and
>discuss in one of the conf calls and/or meetings.
>| -----Original Message-----
>| From: Jensen, J (Jens) [mailto:J.Jensen at rl.ac.uk]
>| Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:51 AM
>| To: asim at lbl.gov; Aleksandr Konstantinov
>| Cc: Erwin.Laure at cern.ch; gin-data at ggf.org
>| Subject: RE: [gin-data] SRM interop plan
>| Hi Alex,
>| This is because in Globus 2 at least, it turns out that if
>| you build your server/client with GLOBUS_IO_MODULE then it is
>| apparently incompatible with servers/clients built on top of
>| the lower level module GLOBUS_GSSAPI_MODULE [module names
>| from memory so may be slightly wrong].
>| Now Aleksandr discovered this independently and dug a bit
>| deeper than we had done, but it still appears that these are
>| incompatible.
>| This is mainly important for the SOAP stuff because as you
>| say it goes via HTTPG.  The de-facto standard in LCG is the
>| GSSAPI module approach.
>| Even if you don't care about HTTP as a data transport
>| protocol, Aleksandr's point is still valid.  It's a question
>| of testing different implementations of GSI sockets.
>| Cheers,
>|                       --jens

    Ian Foster, Director, Computation Institute
Argonne National Laboratory & University of Chicago
Argonne: MCS/221, 9700 S. Cass Ave, Argonne, IL 60439
Chicago: Rm 405, 5640 S. Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
Tel: +1 630 252 4619.  Web: www.ci.uchicago.edu.
       Globus Alliance: www.globus.org.

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