[gin-data] Updated data plans and ask for SRM lead

Alex Sim ASim at lbl.gov
Sun Apr 2 10:01:18 CDT 2006

>>> we need to speed up the SRM island and gridFTP tests. For this, can the participating sites please make sure they have the gin.ggf.org VO enabled?  
where do we get the VO entry? as well as I'd like to put myself in the
VO too?
>>> Then we need to start running the SRM tests - can maybe  Arie and/or Alex take the lead there? 
As long as we have the SRM endpoint and some necessary information (I'll
go over the doc), we can start and show some results (static) by date on
our web for GGF17. Do we have all contact information for SRM islands?

>>> Bill, how shall we progress with the gridFTP tests? 
>>> Cheers, 
>>> -- Erwin

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