[gin-auth] Size of GIN VO

Stephen M Pickles Stephen.Pickles at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Apr 26 06:06:38 CDT 2006

Within the UK NGS, we're currently setting up accounts to
give access to members of the GIN VO, initially on the four
core sites only. We'll be pulling down DNs from the VOMS
server that NIKHEF is kindly running for GIN.

We would like to know 
(1) how many people are currently registered
    with the GIN VOMS server, and
(2) how large this is likely to grow.

My wild guess for (2) would be about 50, based on about
15 grids each with 3-4 representatives.

Can anyone provide a more educated guess?



==================== Stephen M. Pickles ====================

Technical Director, Grid Operations Support Centre
Software Infrastructure Manager, RealityGrid
Manchester Computing
Room G49.1, Kilburn Building
The University of Manchester           tel: +44 161 275 5974
Oxford Road                            fax: +44 161 275 6800
Manchester M13 9PL          stephen.pickles at manchester.ac.uk 

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