[gin-auth] GIN VO Usage Rules.

David Bannon D.Bannon at vpac.org
Tue May 2 19:14:18 CDT 2006

Now, I know its a bit late to respond to this as its "sort of" resolved.
But I'd like to look at it from a longer term point of view. In many
ways, a Usage Rules template might just be within scope of this group's
role. Its something everyone will need eventually and easier done
earlier and centrally than after the things are in production.

We here in Australia have been looking at producing an AUP (acceptable
use policy) based on our eight members policies and its an interesting
experience. We have some pretty silly things in there (especially at my
site!). See http://www.vpac.org/twiki/bin/view/APACgrid/AcceptableUse

The secret seems to be to isolate the non grid things, so the result
might just be something the grid community generally is interested in.
We're no different....

So, what do people think ? Is a AUP a part of this groups interests ?

David Bannon                     D.Bannon at vpac.org
APACGrid CI Project Leader   www.vpac.org/apacgrid
VPAC Systems Manager                  www.vpac.org
P: +61 3 9925 4733                  M: 0418 525687 
Humpty Dumpty was pushed !

On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 18:05 +0100, Mike 'Mike' Jones wrote:
> Hi folks,
> This is perhaps a tad pedantic (apologies for that) but,
> I'm at the point where I want to register with the gin.ggf.org VO VOMS. 
> However, I have to click the "I have read and agree to the VO's Usage 
> Rules".  I can't find a definition of what these are.
> I'm guessing that the rules are just something along the lines of:
>    This is a test VO for grid inter-operation and therefore this VO's rules
>    are only vague fair play rules and low usage rules.
> Before I continue with the registration, is there actually a proper 
> definition somewhere or can we assume the above?
> Thanks,
> Mike

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