[gin-auth] The new VOMS Server for GIN is active from now

Vincenzo Ciaschini vincenzo.ciaschini at cnaf.infn.it
Thu Mar 9 03:05:35 CST 2006

Cindy Zheng wrote:

> Hi, Vincenzo,
Hi Cindy,

> I don't see any rpm bearing name with doxygen, but did find
> some files named with doxygen. Since this is rocks cluster,
> it came with a lot of software build in, I'll check with our
> Rocks developers to be sure. What version of Doxygen does
> voms require?
We use version 1.3.5 of doxygen, but if you use a different version we 
will adjust it.

You may also disable doc generation by using the --enable-doc=no option 
to configure.


> Thanks,
> Cindy
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Vincenzo Ciaschini [mailto:vincenzo.ciaschini at cnaf.infn.it] 
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 11:14 PM
>>To: zhengc at sdsc.edu
>>Cc: 'Mason Katz'; 'Yusuke Tanimura'; 'Oscar Koeroo'; 
>>gin-auth at ggf.org; 'Olivier van der Aa'; 'Philip 
>>Papadopoulos'; 'Catlett Charlie'; 'David Colling'; 
>>m.aggarwal at imperial.ac.uk; yoshio.tanaka at aist.go.jp; 'Dane 
>>Skow'; 'JP Navarro'; 'Arzberger Peter'; fplin at nchc.org.tw
>>Subject: Re: [gin-auth] The new VOMS Server for GIN is active from now
>>Cindy Zheng wrote:
>>>Thank you, Vincenzo, for your help!
>>Hi Cindy,
>>>The work-around got me a lot further along.
>>>But I encountered another error during make.
>>>Since Yusuke was able to install with GT 2.4.3 without
>>>much problem, I wonder if this is because that we are 
>>>running GT4?
>>>I'm attaching the log files (unix text files).
>>What exactly the error was is uncertain since you only sent 
>>me stdout, 
>>but not stderr, so the actual error message is not present in 
>>the dump.
>>However, judging from where compilation stopped, you had 
>>problems with 
>>doxygen during the generation of the documentation.
>>Can you tell me what version of doxygen you have installed?
>>    Vincenzo
>>>Thanks again!
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Vincenzo Ciaschini [mailto:vincenzo.ciaschini at cnaf.infn.it] 
>>>>Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 4:30 AM
>>>>To: Cindy Zheng
>>>>Cc: 'Mason Katz'; 'Yusuke Tanimura'; 'Oscar Koeroo'; 
>>>>gin-auth at ggf.org; 'Olivier van der Aa'; 'Philip 
>>>>Papadopoulos'; 'Catlett Charlie'; 'David Colling'; 
>>>>m.aggarwal at imperial.ac.uk; yoshio.tanaka at aist.go.jp; 'Dane 
>>>>Skow'; 'JP Navarro'; 'Arzberger Peter'; fplin at nchc.org.tw
>>>>Subject: Re: [gin-auth] The new VOMS Server for GIN is 
>>active from now
>>>>Cindy Zheng wrote:
>>>>>Thank you, Vincenzo, for your reply!
>>>>>We are running Rocks which has GT4 already build-in. 
>>>>>I believe it's NMI distribution. To be sure, better 
>>>>>have our Rocks expert, Mason, to answer your questions.
>>>>>Mason, could you answer Vincenzo's questions?
>>>>Hi Cindy,
>>>>   I think I have a pretty good understanding of what the 
>>>>problem is, 
>>>>and of a solution to it, along with a (admittedly ugly) 
>>>>workaround while 
>>>>we commit the solution.
>>>>   Normally, the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/include/ directory contains a 
>>>>subdirectory for each globus flavor.  No packaging of globus 
>>>>we tested 
>>>>had the ldap_backend directory there.  The ./configure script takes 
>>>>advantage of this to discover what flavors are present.  
>>Clearly, the 
>>>>presence of ldap_backend messes things up.
>>>>The solution:
>>>>   We will rewrite the configure.ac script to take into 
>>account the 
>>>>possible presence of the ldap_backend directory.
>>>>The workaround:
>>>>   While waiting for the new release, you can do the following to 
>>>>compile anyway:
>>>>1) mv $GLOBUS_LOCATION/include/ldap_backend $GLOBUS_LOCATION/
>>>>2) do the normal build cycle (configure/make/make install)
>>>>3) mv $GLOBUS_LOCATION/ldap_backend £GLOBUS_LOCATION/include/
>>>>   Vincenzo
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: Vincenzo Ciaschini [mailto:vincenzo.ciaschini at cnaf.infn.it] 
>>>>>>Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 12:01 AM
>>>>>>To: zhengc at sdsc.edu
>>>>>>Cc: 'Yusuke Tanimura'; 'Oscar Koeroo'; gin-auth at ggf.org; 
>>>>>>'Olivier van der Aa'; 'Philip Papadopoulos'; 'Catlett 
>>>>>>Charlie'; 'David Colling'; m.aggarwal at imperial.ac.uk; 
>>>>>>yoshio.tanaka at aist.go.jp; 'Dane Skow'; 'JP Navarro'; 
>>>>>>'Arzberger Peter'; fplin at nchc.org.tw; 'Mason Katz'
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [gin-auth] The new VOMS Server for GIN is 
>>>>active from now
>>>>>>Cindy Zheng wrote:
>>>>>>>Hi, Vincenzo,
>>>>>>Hi Cindy,
>>>>>>>Following you and Yusuke's discussion, I downloaded
>>>>>>ran configure and make, then encountered an error (below) 
>>>>>>with make. I'm also attaching the full log with command 
>>>>>>lines. The target cluster is a rocks 4.1 cluster, running
>>>>>>GT4. Appreciate any help. Let me know if you need more info.
>>>>>Here is the problem, taken from the output of configure:
>>>>>>checking for GLOBUS flavors... found  gcc32dbg gcc32dbgpthr
>>>>>ldap_backend (gcc32dbg selected)
>>>>>As you can see, ldap_backend is discovered as a flavor even 
>>>>though it 
>>>>>obviously is not one.   I'd have to say this is the first 
>>>>time something
>>>>>like this happens. What version of globus have you 
>>>>installed ?  And was 
>>>>>it taken from the globus site or from some other packaging?
>>>>>   Vincenzo

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