[gin-auth] The new VOMS Server for GIN is active from now

Vincenzo Ciaschini vincenzo.ciaschini at cnaf.infn.it
Thu Mar 9 01:13:56 CST 2006

Cindy Zheng wrote:
> Thank you, Vincenzo, for your help!

Hi Cindy,
> The work-around got me a lot further along.
> But I encountered another error during make.
> Since Yusuke was able to install with GT 2.4.3 without
> much problem, I wonder if this is because that we are 
> running GT4?
> I'm attaching the log files (unix text files).
What exactly the error was is uncertain since you only sent me stdout, 
but not stderr, so the actual error message is not present in the dump.

However, judging from where compilation stopped, you had problems with 
doxygen during the generation of the documentation.

Can you tell me what version of doxygen you have installed?


> Thanks again!
> Cindy
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Vincenzo Ciaschini [mailto:vincenzo.ciaschini at cnaf.infn.it] 
>>Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 4:30 AM
>>To: Cindy Zheng
>>Cc: 'Mason Katz'; 'Yusuke Tanimura'; 'Oscar Koeroo'; 
>>gin-auth at ggf.org; 'Olivier van der Aa'; 'Philip 
>>Papadopoulos'; 'Catlett Charlie'; 'David Colling'; 
>>m.aggarwal at imperial.ac.uk; yoshio.tanaka at aist.go.jp; 'Dane 
>>Skow'; 'JP Navarro'; 'Arzberger Peter'; fplin at nchc.org.tw
>>Subject: Re: [gin-auth] The new VOMS Server for GIN is active from now
>>Cindy Zheng wrote:
>>>Thank you, Vincenzo, for your reply!
>>>We are running Rocks which has GT4 already build-in. 
>>>I believe it's NMI distribution. To be sure, better 
>>>have our Rocks expert, Mason, to answer your questions.
>>>Mason, could you answer Vincenzo's questions?
>>Hi Cindy,
>>    I think I have a pretty good understanding of what the 
>>problem is, 
>>and of a solution to it, along with a (admittedly ugly) 
>>workaround while 
>>we commit the solution.
>>    Normally, the $GLOBUS_LOCATION/include/ directory contains a 
>>subdirectory for each globus flavor.  No packaging of globus 
>>we tested 
>>had the ldap_backend directory there.  The ./configure script takes 
>>advantage of this to discover what flavors are present.  Clearly, the 
>>presence of ldap_backend messes things up.
>>The solution:
>>    We will rewrite the configure.ac script to take into account the 
>>possible presence of the ldap_backend directory.
>>The workaround:
>>    While waiting for the new release, you can do the following to 
>>compile anyway:
>>1) mv $GLOBUS_LOCATION/include/ldap_backend $GLOBUS_LOCATION/
>>2) do the normal build cycle (configure/make/make install)
>>3) mv $GLOBUS_LOCATION/ldap_backend £GLOBUS_LOCATION/include/
>>    Vincenzo
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: Vincenzo Ciaschini [mailto:vincenzo.ciaschini at cnaf.infn.it] 
>>>>Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2006 12:01 AM
>>>>To: zhengc at sdsc.edu
>>>>Cc: 'Yusuke Tanimura'; 'Oscar Koeroo'; gin-auth at ggf.org; 
>>>>'Olivier van der Aa'; 'Philip Papadopoulos'; 'Catlett 
>>>>Charlie'; 'David Colling'; m.aggarwal at imperial.ac.uk; 
>>>>yoshio.tanaka at aist.go.jp; 'Dane Skow'; 'JP Navarro'; 
>>>>'Arzberger Peter'; fplin at nchc.org.tw; 'Mason Katz'
>>>>Subject: Re: [gin-auth] The new VOMS Server for GIN is 
>>active from now
>>>>Cindy Zheng wrote:
>>>>>Hi, Vincenzo,
>>>>Hi Cindy,
>>>>>Following you and Yusuke's discussion, I downloaded
>>>>ran configure and make, then encountered an error (below) 
>>>>with make. I'm also attaching the full log with command 
>>>>lines. The target cluster is a rocks 4.1 cluster, running
>>>>GT4. Appreciate any help. Let me know if you need more info.
>>>Here is the problem, taken from the output of configure:
>>>>checking for GLOBUS flavors... found  gcc32dbg gcc32dbgpthr
>>>ldap_backend (gcc32dbg selected)
>>>As you can see, ldap_backend is discovered as a flavor even 
>>though it 
>>>obviously is not one.   I'd have to say this is the first 
>>time something
>>>like this happens. What version of globus have you 
>>installed ?  And was 
>>>it taken from the globus site or from some other packaging?
>>>    Vincenzo

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