[gin-auth] GIN VO Usage Rules.

Oxana Smirnova oxana.smirnova at hep.lu.se
Fri Aug 18 07:31:08 CDT 2006

Hi Stephen,

> ...The acid test is whether
> it's useful. Do people derive value from joining it? Does it help
> to community to establish relationships with providers?

In certain sense, yes: users get instant access to resources they 
couldn't dream before by joining this VO, without even knowing who are 
the providers. It has a flip side in that all the resources are very 
heterogeneous and the providers do not feel obliged (not bound by any 
AUP) to provide any level of services, but it's certainly better that 
nothing. It's like WWW: site owners are not obliged to provide accurate 
or timely information, or to even be on-line all the time; and yet they 
have plenty of visitors.

> BTW, you haven't answered my questions.
> Does a single GIN VO AUP (but no GIN Grid AUP) work for you?

Yes, sorry - this was basically my point; NorduGrid exercises a pretty 
similar arrangement.


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