[GHPN-WG] Fwd: [gf-chairs] Session scheduling for OGF21 is open!

Cees de Laat delaat at science.uva.nl
Mon Oct 15 18:35:29 CDT 2007

Dear WG-Members,

I did a call for agenda items. I received one suggestion to talk 
about the progress on G-UNI but that was pulled back last week. As up 
to now the agenda is pretty small.

Wednesday Oct 17th, 15h15 - 16h45, Discovery room

- Agenda Bashing
- status of documents in the WG
   - use cases doc (author Tiziana Ferrari)
     status is it passed public comment, so if the author says its fine,
     its going to be published
   - G-UNI draft
- report from GLIF2007 september meeting
   - slides are published by Terena on: www.glif.is
- Any Other Subject
- Adjourn

Anyone has more subjects?
Should we cancel this meeting this time and reconvene at OGF22?
This meeting is heavily suffering from the collision with gridnets in Lyon.

Best regards,

Dear WG members,

Last call for agenda items.

Best regards,

>Dear GHPH-WG members,
>It is time to decide how many group meetings we want at OGF21.
>We can go for 0, 1 or 2 slots.
>So please inform me of topics to put on the agenda. Based on that
>list we can decide howmany slots to ask.
>Some topics:
>- status of documents in the WG
>- report from GLIF2007 september meeting
>Please note OGF21 will be on the same days as Gridnets 2007 in Lyon.
>Best regards,
>OGF Chairs -
>Session scheduling is now open for the next OGF event, OGF21, which
>will be held in Seattle, Washington, USA from October 15-19, 2007.
>To request sessions for your group or BoF, please go to the following
>The scheduling deadlines are:
>       Session Requests:
>	- Deadline for session requests for a CG, WG or RG is July 27, 2007
>	- Deadline for AD Hoc/Charter Discussion BOFs is July 27, 2007
>       Draft Documents for discussion:
>	- Deadline for submitting working drafts is September 14, 2007.
>We anticipate that the schedule will be finalized by the middle of

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