[ghpn-wg] CFP Annals of Telecommunication, special issue on Transport Protocols for NGN

Congduc Pham congduc.pham at ens-lyon.fr
Mon Apr 18 07:55:19 CDT 2005



Special issue on
Transport Protocols for the Next Generation Networks


New networking technologies with optical-based transmission as a
foundation for achieving tremendous throughput in the order of tens of
Gbit/s are changing the face of the wired Internet with new large scale
high-performance infrastructures such as computational grids. In the
wireless domain, mobility and ubiquitous access to the Internet is
driving the emergence of new value-added applications and exhibiting new
user needs. Self-organizing wireless networks such as ad-hoc networks
may eventually become the natural way of connecting end-users to the
network. In this all-digital, all-connected world, transport protocols
have the very difficult task of providing reliable, fair and efficient
communications to millions of (groups of) users with very different
needs and profiles, across different underlying technologies.

High-speed networks, often referred to as long fat networks, raise the
problem of fair and efficient congestion control mechanisms. Wireless
environments with mobility and ad-hoc features bring new concerns. Fast
heterogeneous networks face all these difficulties. This special issue
is devoted to these problems. We solicit two categories of
contributions: (1) survey papers presenting state-of-the-art studies,
and (2) papers presenting an original and unpublished work or experiment
on, but not limited to, the following topics:

        * TCP variants or new transport protocols for high-speed networks
        * TCP optimisations and tuning methodologies, results from real
        * New congestion control mechanisms for high-speed networks
        * Transport protocols for heterogeneous networks
        * Experiments and prototype implementations and lessons learnt
        * Multipeer and multicast transport protocols
        * Transport protocols in wireless/mobile/ad-hoc environments
        * Transport protocols for (near) real-time traffic
        * Performance modelling of TCP on high-speed or wireless networks
        * Fairness issues in new transport protocols
        * Transport protocols in all-optical networking
        * Very high-speed transport protocols for computational grids

Paper Submission

We invite you to submit a paper that should have a length of 25000-35000
characters. The preferred language for the contribution is english.
Instructions for formatting your paper according to the journal's rule
can be found in english
or in french

A PDF version of your paper should be submitted electronically to one of
the guest editors (see below). Hard copies should be sent only if
electronic submission is absolutely not possible.  All submitted papers
must not have been previously published and must not be submitted for
publication elsewhere while they are under consideration.

Please include a cover page which lists the following:

        * name,
        * affiliation,
        * address and e-mail address of each author
        * name of the contact author
        * a maximum of 5 keywords

Important Dates

May 1st, 2005: Full paper due
July 15th, 2005: Notification of acceptance
September 15th, 2005: Final version due
Expected date of publication: spring 2006.

Guest Editors

Prof. Guy LEDUC

University of Liège
Research Unit in Networking (RUN)
EECS Department, Institut Montefiore, B 28, B-4000 LIEGE 1, BELGIUM
Guy.Leduc at ulg.ac.be


Associate Prof. Congduc PHAM

University Lyon 1, LIP/INRIA RESO
46 allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon Cedex 7
Congduc.Pham at ens-lyon.fr


CongDuc PHAM - Associate Professor (UCB Lyon)
Ecole Normale Superieure
46, Allee d'Italie, 69364 LYON Cedex 07,FRANCE
Tel: +33(0)4 72 72 83 89 Fax: +33(0)4 72 72 80 80
Congduc.Pham at ens-lyon.fr http://bat710.univ-lyon1.fr/~cpham

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