[et-cg] OGF19 Education & Training session minutes

Kathryn Cassidy kathryn.cassidy at cs.tcd.ie
Mon Feb 26 12:56:27 CST 2007

Good afternoon Educators and Trainers,

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our new members who
attended the ET sessions at OGF19 in Chapel Hill.

Please find attached the minutes of the ET sessions from OGF19.  Because
we had so many sessions I thought it would be better to put the minutes into
a single document rather than sending around six separate docs.  This does
mean that this document is rather long, but I've tried to put most of the
content into the wiki and refer to that where possible rather than
including this in the minutes.  Any feedback you wish to provide on these
minutes would be great.

For those who haven't used the wiki before you can access the ET wiki page at
You will need to create a GridForge user account in order to the modify any
of the wiki documents.  To create a user please go to the url 

Once you have successfully created an account you can either send me the
login name and I will add you to the group, or alternatively go to
http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/sfmain/do/home and log in then click on
the 'Projects' tab at the top of your GridForge page then click on 'All
Projects'.  You can now navigate through the list of projects until you
find ET-CG (note it's CG even though I believe we are officially a
working group!).

Select the project and click on 'Request Membership'.  This should send
a membership request through to me and I will try to process these
requests quickly!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


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