[et-cg] New Training Glossary terms, please join GridForge to review!

Kathryn Cassidy kathryn.cassidy at cs.tcd.ie
Mon Nov 13 12:45:53 CST 2006

Hello Educators and Trainers,

There are a few people on this mailing list who are not yet members of
the GridForge ET-CG project.  I'd like to encourage you all to join as
we hope to use the GridForge wiki for much of our work.  We currently
have the beginnings of a glossary, curriculum and course directory
available in the wiki, but all of them could use input!

A number of additional terms have been added to the glossary at
cg/wiki/Definitions  These new terms have been adapted from the
following publications:

"Terminology of vocational training policy: a multi-lingual glossary for
an enlarged Europe" by Philippe Tissot, published by the Office for
Official Publications of the European Communities

"A GLossary of UK Training and Occupational Learning Terms" published by
the Institute of Training and Occupational Learning 

"Glossary of training terms" published by Manpower Training Services,

It would be great if you could review these new definitions and make
changes as appropriate.  I've only added the terms which I think we
would find useful, but perhaps we don't need to define all of these
terms, it would help to get some feedback on this!

I'm also including instructions for how to set up a GridForge account
for those of you who don't yet have one.

To create a GridForge account please go to the url

Once you have successfully created an account you can either send me the
login name and I will add you to the group, or alternatively go to
http://forge.gridforum.org/sf/sfmain/do/home and log in.  This will take
you to your own personal GridForge page where you should see the ET-CG
listed as one of your projects if you have already been added.

If you have not been added then click on the 'Projects' tab at the top
of your GridForge page then click on 'All Projects'.  You can now
navigate through the list of projects until you find ET-CG (note it's CG
even though I believe we are officially a working group!).

Select the project and click on 'Request Membership'.  This should send
a membership request through to me and I will try to process these
requests quickly!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


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