[dvdvol] A few updates

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Thu Jan 20 22:27:30 PST 2011

Hi all.

The last couple weeks have been a little busy.  First, one of our
long-time volunteers announced he would be retiring from the project.
Jay has been our third most active volunteer, handling over 2449
requests.  That's 4898 discs!  Thanks Jay for all your help.  It is
truly appreciated, as is all the work by all our volunteers.

I would also like to welcome two new volunteers to the group, Lawrence
and Gerald.  I look forward to working with them in the coming months
and years.  Another person is also in the process of joining the
group.  I hope to have more details soon.

Finally, I updated the DVD Project Volunteering page on the wiki.
Most of the changes were small, but I did add a new section on mailing
rates.  Feel free to take a look.  You can find it at
If you have any corrections or additions or other comments, please
feel free to send them to me.  You should also feel free to create an
account on the wiki and make the edits yourself.

Happy belated new year and thanks for all you do.


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