[dvdvol] update on the Apr. 2010 DVD

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Mon May 17 12:00:34 PDT 2010

Greg has just given the green light on ordering the dual layer DVDs.
We will be ordering 7,500.  We chose that number, because we've given
away about that many in the past 2 years.  For those who are curious,
we got them for $0.49 each.

You won't need a rubber stamp, as the discs will be color printed.
So, for those of you who mail, please let me know how many you would
like.  I would like to send everyone enough to get them through the
end of the year or so, but on the other hand, don't order more than
you're comfortable with.

The discs may come from me, or they may come directly from the
replication plant.

Just email me off-list with the number you want, and your address.  I
think I have everyone's address already, but if you put it in your
message, it will be a lot easier.

In the mean time, only burn enough of the old DVD to meet the requests
you have checked out.  If you have a lot of extras left over when we
start mailing the new DVD, we can send them to Michael Hart.  He's
always finding ways to give away discs.



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