[dvdvol] new bug in the request system

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Sat Sep 24 07:51:51 PDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Hello all.  It seems as something has been changed on Ibiblio, and the
pages aren't refreshing properly.  They are getting cached for some
reason.  This causes requests to appear as though their status hasn't
changed, when in fact it has.  The temporary solution to this is hitting
refresh every time the page.  The permanent solution will hopefully be up
by the end of the day.

By the way, does anyone know what the directive is that will force a page
to be refreshed each time it is viewed?

In the long term, I will eventually be switching the system over to use
MySQL.  We're currently using a flat file, but it isn't a great way to do
things, and has been slowing down more and more.  Unfortunately, the MySQL
server that Ibiblio offers is a nightmare.  It is way too over loaded, as
Marcello can attest.  So, I have asked permission from Greg to put it up on
snowy (a machine run by Greg Newby).  We'll see what he says.

Thanks for your help!

Aaron Cannon

- --
E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
Skype: cannona
MSN Messenger: cannona at hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail address.)

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