[dvdvol] Re: Did you ever get my first message?

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Thu Sep 15 11:08:47 PDT 2005

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I didn't get your first message, but yes, I am pretty sure I or another DVD
volunteer can help.  If you could get as many as you wanted, how many would
you want?  What would be the minimum that would make it worth it?  As for
payment, I don't think it will be necessary as it's for librarians, but
can't say for sure.  Greg will give the final word on that one.  Of course,
if you would like to make a donation to PG, by all means, don't let me
dissuade you. :)

Let me know.

Aaron Cannon

At 12:41 PM 9/15/2005, you wrote:
>I just talked to Michael Hart and he told me you are the person to get
>what I want. : )
>Would it be possible for you to provide me with some recent PG CD/DVDs to
>give out to a group of librarians here in Fresno, CA?
>How many can I get from you? Do I pay?
>Please let me know.
>Thank you and best wishes.
>Alev Akman
>International Literacy Day
>"A book is a mirror: When a monkey looks in, no apostle can look out."--Anon.

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E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
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