[dvdvol] FW: Bordany, Hungary

Robert Abrahams robertab at infochan.com
Mon Feb 28 18:03:18 PST 2005

Sounds like music to my ears.

John Hagerson wrote:

>Here is a message I received in response to the notification that I had
>mailed a requested CD. I think you might enjoy its contents.
>-----Original Message-----
>Dear Sir,
>I thank you wholeheartedly!
>The disc will be copied for the local school of Bordany (in Hungary) as many
>times as possible and would be given free of charge for the 8th grade 
>students as a modest present--for their graduation--to enrich their English 
>& literary education as they move on to secondary school.
>The community of Bordany consists a population which is roughly over 3000. 
>Although many families here do own a PC, very few people have any access or 
>exposure to printed English literature, which is a great pity. Your website 
>has given me a wonderful solution and the initiative.
>Your project is truely a blessing.
>Yoram Laviv,
>dvdvol mailing list
>dvdvol at lists.pglaf.org

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