[dvdvol] Workflow system

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Sun Oct 17 10:50:08 PDT 2004

Thanks.  I'm actually working on such a system as we speak.  I code a bit 
slow, but I hope to have a working system up by the middle of this week or 
sooner.  In fact, the groundwork for the system is already in place and 
taking orders.  The final system should incorporate all the features you 
mentioned and more.

However, if you are ok with it, perhaps you might consider coding something 
to distribute the work of adding subject data to the catalog, unless 
something already exists for this.  Should we issue a call for volunteers 
for this project?  While we've got people working on the catalog, are there 
other improvements that could be made by a distributed effort?

Aaron Cannon

At 12:04 PM 10/17/2004, you wrote:
>I could easily code a workflow system for the CD project: a public "order" 
>form and some private forms that would display the pending orders in a 
>table and allow the volunteers to grab some off of the top.
>Coordination would be easier because the system would keep track of who 
>grabbed which orders and of the status of the orders.
>Furthermore we could split the orders into regions, so the European 
>volunteers would see only orders for Europe etc.
>Marcello Perathoner
>webmaster at gutenberg.org
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