[dvdvol] some useful tips

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Fri Oct 1 16:35:53 PDT 2004

Thanks Brandon for the below.  I'm forwarding to the list.  We'll get some 
good discussion going on here in a few days.  We've already got about 7 
people signed up and I expect at least a few more by the end of this 
weekend.  Once everyone has had a chance to get on here, we'll get started.

Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far.

Eventually, I'd like to put together some documentation on the 
project.  This may be a good starting point.

Aaron Cannon

>Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 12:35:46 -0500
>From: Brandon Galbraith <brandon at corruptedtruth.com>
>User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.3) 
>Gecko/20040910 MultiZilla/
>X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
>To: cd at pglaf.org
>CC: Aaron Cannon <cannona at fireantproductions.com>, brandon at corruptedtruth.com
>Subject: Re: Project Gutenberg CD and DVD project
>I'd like to pass along some useful tidbits that I hope may help everyone 
>else doing this:
>1) Make sure to mail the CDs/DVDs in envelopes, not bubblemailers or 
>packaging of that sort. Postage (both domestic and international) is 
>usually cheaper when sending using large envelopes versus bubblemailers, etc.
>2) The post office can be your friend if you get the right postal rep. I 
>go to the same rep each time, and she gets me in and out as soon as 
>possible, even when I have 50-100 envelopes to send. I explained what I'm 
>mailing, etc., and she knows that I don't need customs forms, etc.
>3) Address verification is a GoodThing(TM). I use 
>http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/welcome.jsp to verify domestic addresses as well 
>as to get the zip+4 zip code, to speed delivery.
>4) Return labels. I print off about 300 at a time, and put them on all the 
>envelopes, so if an envelope doesn't reach it's destination, the postal 
>system has an easy way to get it back to me.
>Aaron Cannon wrote:
>>Hello all.  You are receiving this message because either you are 
>>currently helping us with the CD/DVD project at Project Gutenberg, or 
>>because you have helped with or expressed an interest in same.  If you 
>>are no longer interested in this project, ignore this message, and we'll 
>>leave you alone. :)
>>If, however, you would like to get involved in this project in any way, 
>>please consider joining our new mailing list.  I anticipate a fairly low 
>>volume because I anticipate a fairly low number of subscribers.  Also, if 
>>volume is a big concern, you might consider using digest mode, which will 
>>still send you all the messages, but they will be compiled into one 
>>message per day.
>>The purpose of the list will be to primarily collaborate and organize the 
>>project, as well as brainstorm refinements and/or overhauls to the 
>>project.  It will also give me a chance to keep everyone updated on the 
>>status of the queue as well as other related pieces of trivia.
>>If you're not sure how you might be able to contribute to the project, 
>>but are still interested in doing so, please join.  We may be able to 
>>help you figure that one out.
>>To join the list you can simply send a message to 
>>dvdvol-request at lists.pglaf.org with "subscribe me at myhost.com" in the 
>>subject (excluding the " marks and replacing your real E-mail address for 
>>me at myhost.com).  Or you can visit 
>>http://lists.pglaf.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/dvdvol to fill out a web form.
>>Thanks for your time and I hope to see you on the list.
>>Aaron Cannon
>>E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
>>Skype: cannona
>>MSN Messenger: cannona at hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail 
>E-mail: cannona at fireantproductions.com
>Skype: cannona
>MSN Messenger: cannona at hotmail.com (Do not send E-mail to the hotmail 

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