[DRMAA-WG] Meeting minutes - Conference call - December 7th - 19:00 UTC

Peter Tröger peter at troeger.eu
Mon Dec 12 01:23:31 EST 2011

Participants: Roger, Mariusz, Peter

>> 1. Meeting secretary for this meeting?


>> 2. Remaining public comments on DRMAAv2
>> (http://ogf.org/gf/docs/comment.php?id=377)

- scalar attribute question
	- demands copying of strings, implement via const char*

- native types question
	- decision has to be done by language binding

- slots question
	- slots count should be numeric, is a typo

- SessionManagementException question
	- left over, remove from IDL

- exception raise clause question
	- sad fact, but the group cannot deliver a reasonable list now
	- will come with existing implementations at grid recommendation phase

	- makes sense, add it

>> 3. Next steps with the C-binding

Several comments from Roger's in-depth analysis of the last published 
version of the header file, all agreed by the participants:

- make DRMAA2_OTHER_OS and DRMAA2_OTHER_CPU the first items in the 
enumeration, for better extensibility in later versions of the spec
- add more specific comment for drmaa2_list_remove: " "removes the most 
recent item returned"
- whenever parameter is not changed inside the function, make it "const" 
(e.g. run_job)
- non-error output for functions looks counter-intuitive
	- could be assumed that all these functions never fail
	- needs check with Andre about initial idea
	- no obvious code size reduction for DRMAA user
	- maybe consistency is better

Best regards,

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