[DRMAA-WG] Work distribution

Peter Tröger peter at troeger.eu
Mon Feb 15 08:46:34 CST 2010

Dear core members,

in order to have any chance for some kind of finalized API until OGF28, we need to distribute the work now. I need volunteers to independently take care of the following topics. We mainly talk about man page crawling and text snippet writing:

--- snip ----

New job template attributes. 

This includes the continuation of DRM system comparison we already started in the Google spreadsheet. It must also include the hunt for new job template placeholders, since this was one of the major wishes from the survey.

File staging. 

We need the exhaustive description of how the new fileTransfers attribute should be used. Order of activities and security might be topics here. Ideally, somebody with a GridFTP background can also contribute. The initial idea was to copy from SAGA / LSF, so if you already know at least one of these systems, please volunteer.

Advanced reservation. 

The API is in the IDL part, but we still need the detailed functions descriptions. Mariusz, could you take care of this ?

Job states. 

There is a set of wishes regarding more job states and transitions. We also have a pending mapping to other peoples job stage models.

Thread safety. 

Somebody with a strong DRMAA implementation background needs to scan his implementation for critical (and non-critical) code parts with respect to thread safety. All experiences should be persisted in the new spec.

C binding. 

We spent some time in the OO world, somebody needs to try a C language binding. GFD.143 shows how such a document can look like. Roger, maybe something for you ?

--- snip ----

All information is the Wiki. Start on this page, follow the links, and look for yellow boxes:


I will continue to work as the integration / coordination point. Maybe I can also take care of one or the other specific problem, but definitely not for all of them. Our deadline is March 15th, then we will present to the other groups.


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