[DRMAA-WG] Torque/PBS DRMAA - buffer size, string size

Rajic, Hrabri hrabri.rajic at intel.com
Wed May 2 14:51:59 CDT 2007

This is the text under job_name: 

A job name SHALL comprise alphanumeric and _ characters.
The drmaa-implementation SHALL NOT provide the client with a job 
name longer than DRMAA_JOBNAME_BUFFER -1 (1023) characters.
The drmaa-implementation MAY truncate any client-provided job name 
to an implementation-defined length that is at least 31 characters.
The attribute name is drmaa_job_name

In the 3.1.1. section we have:

The length of any output context-specific error string SHALL NOT exceed

Adding including the null character for languages that have no support
for String objects found in OO languages (or something similar) should
make the text clear.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: drmaa-wg-bounces at ogf.org [mailto:drmaa-wg-bounces at ogf.org] On
>Of Rajic, Hrabri
>Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 9:13 PM
>To: drmaa-wg at ogf.org
>Subject: [DRMAA-WG] Torque/PBS DRMAA - buffer size, string size
>There is a confusion regarding *_len input parameters (e.g.
>error_diag_len for error messages): whether they should include 1
>additional byte for '\0' character or not.
>C binding specification makes it even more ambiguous. It uses the term
>"buffer length" which might be not clear for a C programmer. Usually
>"buffer size" means sizeof(buf) and "string length" means that one
>to supply sizeof(buf) - 1 as the argument for function call. It would
>good to see some explicit explanation.
>sizeof(buf) - 1 is meant to be used, since the programmers expect this
>That needs to be clarified in the spec wherever matters to leave no
>for ambiguities.
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>  drmaa-wg at ogf.org
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