[DRMAA-WG] Meeting minutes April 03 2007

Roger Brobst rogerb at cadence.com
Tue Apr 3 11:06:04 CDT 2007

    Andreas, Roger, Peter, Dan, Hrabri

A. Meeting secretary for this meeting?
    - Roger to take minutes

B. Acceptance of the Feb 20, 2006 meeting minutes
    - Accepted without change request

C. Admin
    - The experiences documents have entered the
      "public review comment" period, which will
      conclude on April 20.
    - DRMAA-WG members to encourage colleagues to review
      and submit comments (ideally by April 13).
    - A DRMAA article should be included in the May OGF
      newsletter.  This will be distributed electronically
      (will not be reproduced in hardcopy for OGF 20-Manchester)

F. Open/general issues discussion
    - Peter and Dan have updated the section of the IDL spec
      which discusses how different language bindings may have
      different approaches for manipulating implementation
      specific job template attributes.
      Request for comments.

    - Q: Once recommendation doc is accepted by OGF, 
         what's next for DRMAA-WG members ?
      A: Continue to encourage adoption and drum-up support.

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