[DRMAA-WG] DRMAA Oct 31, 2006 call meeting minutes

Peter Troeger peter.troeger at hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Thu Nov 2 10:49:02 CST 2006

Meeting minutes of the DRMAA Oct 31, 2006 con call:

- Last meeting minutes accepted, including participant list
- Hrabri will ask area directors for status of DRMAA submission (done)
- IDL: Agreed that SPI concept will be removed from spec
	- Particular implementation is language-dependent
- IDL: Querying of exitStatus / termSignal when information is not  
available (ifExited / ifSignaled == false)
	- Should lead to "IllegalStateException" in IDL spec
	- Case not clearly described in C binding
	- Existing C implementations seem to use  
	- Peter will create tracker item with deferred status for C spec,  
due to pending DRMAA submission
-  IDL: Problem of reading / writing implementation-dependent job  
template attributes
	- C-like solution needed for DRM-independent DRMAA applications with  
DRM-dependent code parts
	- Agreement that get_attribute() and set_attribute() will be again  
part of JobTemplate interface
	- Language bindings must always provide JobTemplate attributes, and  
may offer also get_attribute() / set_attribute() functions when needed
- IDL tracker item 1729
	- Relax demand so that basic IDL types are always pass-by-value, and  
'complex' types have a unified semantic, defined by the language binding
	- Peter will answer the tracker
- Hrabri will ask area directors for operational procedures regarding  
"IDL 1.1" submission


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