[drmaa-wg] Simultaneous waits on the same job id?

Ed Baskerville lists at edbaskerville.com
Fri Jun 23 15:32:16 CDT 2006

With all the discussion of wait in multithreaded contexts, I thought  
I'd throw out another related question...

Are multiple threads allowed to wait simultaneously on the same job  
id and get back results, or is it required that one of them gets back  
DRMAA_ERRNO_INVALID_JOB? That is, is it possible for the data to be  
reaped simultaneously for multiple waiting threads, or must only one  
of them be lucky enough to get the data back?

For Xgrid, either way is straightforward to implement; obviously  
having the option of returning data to multiple simultaneous calls  
would be nice, but I want to get the semantics right.


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