[drmaa-wg] DRMAA test suite

Daniel Templeton Dan.Templeton at Sun.COM
Thu Jun 22 11:44:38 CDT 2006


The first one is addessed by tracker 1683:


The second is addressed by tracker 1400:



Looking through the IDL spec, it says that drmaa_wait(ANY) will only 
work on jobs submitted up to the time of the drmaa_wait() call.  I don't 
like that.  For drmaa_synchronize(ALL), it makes sense, because 
otherwise the call would block indefinitely in an active system.  With 
drmaa_wait(), however, that change prevents a very useful use case.  Say 
I want to write a thread that waits for jobs to end and places their 
finish information in a data structure for other threads to read.  With 
that caveat applied, if I submit one very long-running job before 
drmaa_wait() gets called, the hundreds of really short jobs that I 
submit after the drmaa_wait() call have to wait for the long-running job 
to end so that the next call to drmaa_wait() can see them.  That's bad, 
and I don't see where it makes anything better.  What problem does 
limiting drmaa_wait() to previously submitted jobs solve?


The 0.35 IDL spec is *still* mislinked from drmaa.org.  The right link is:



Piotr Domagalski wrote:
> Hi!
> DRMAA test suite (from Condor-ext project) tests for this:
> - drmaa_control() with no jobs in session but with SESSION_ALL argument
>   succeds,
> - drmaa_wait()/drmaa_synchroznie() with no jobs in session but with
>   SESSION_ANY/SESSION_ALL argument return INVALID_JOB error,
> As I remember, there is nothing about it in the specification, and I see
> little discrepancy - SGE's implementation fails in the first test.

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