[drmaa-wg] New stable release of the GridWay meta-scheduler

Ignacio Martín Llorente llorente at dacya.ucm.es
Mon Jun 5 04:05:20 CDT 2006

Dear friends,

A new stable release of the GridWay meta-scheduler is available for 
download under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see below 
the release announcement).

The GridWay Metascheduler is now a dev.globus ProtoProject(*), so it 
adheres to Globus philosophy and guidelines for collaborative 
development. We invite you to subscribe the gridway-announce at globus.org 
and gridway-user at globus.org mailing lists (see 
http://www.gridway.org/support.php). GridWay is a community project, 
benefiting from code and support contributions from individuals and 
corporations around the world. The gridway-dev at globus.org mailing list 
is the forum for suggestions and comments for code changes (see 
http://www.gridway.org/software/contribute.php ).

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any additional information.


Ignacio M. Llorente


The GridWay Project is pleased to announce that a new stable release 
(5.0) of the GridWay meta-scheduler is available for download under the 
terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. The GridWay Metascheduler is 
now a dev.globus ProtoProject (*), so it adheres to Globus philosophy 
and guidelines for collaborative development.


GridWay meta-scheduling technology gives end users, application 
developers and managers of Globus infrastructures a scheduling 
functionality similar to that found on local DRM (Distributed Resource

Management) systems:

- Advanced scheduling capabilities on a grid consisting of Globus 
services: dynamic discovery & selection, opportunistic migration, 
performance slowdown detection, support for self-adaptive applications 
and support for the definition of new scheduling policies

- Detection and recovery from remote and local failure situations

- DRM-like commands to submit, monitor, synchronize and control single, 
array and interdependent jobs; monitor Globus resources and users; and 
extract Grid accounting information

- Full support for C and JAVA DRMAA GGF standard for the development of 
distributed applications on Globus

- Straightforward deployment that does not require new services apart 
from those provided by the Globus Toolkit: MDS, GRAM, GridFTP and RFT

- Modular architecture that allows an easy incorporation of new grid 
services and interoperability between different grid infrastructures 
(Globus WS, Globus pre-WS and EGEE)


- Functionality: http://www.gridway.org/about/functionality.php
- Benefits: http://www.gridway.org/about/benefits.php
- Release Notes and Download: http://www.gridway.org/software/download.php
- Documentation: http://www.gridway.org/documentation/guides.php
- Flyer: http://www.gridway.org/files/GridWay5.0_Flier.pdf

(*) GridWay is an effort undergoing incubation at Globus. Incubation is 
required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates 
that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process
have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful Globus 
projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the 
completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project 
has yet to be fully endorsed by Globus.

Ignacio Martin Llorente

GridWay, Meta-scheduling Technologies for the Grid! http://www.gridway.org

You are invited to visit our research web page http://asds.dacya.ucm.es

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