[drmaa-wg] DRMAA test case for malicous job template input parameter

Peter Troeger peter.troeger at hpi.uni-potsdam.de
Fri Sep 30 10:13:25 CDT 2005


the SGE DRMAA test suite has a set of three tests for checking the  
behavior in case of incorrect job template settings for the input,  
output, or error file path. The following text is the description of  
the test case:

       /* - drmaa_init() is called
          - a job is submitted with input/output/error path  
            that must cause the job to fail
          - use drmaa_synchronize() to ensure job was started
          - drmaa_job_ps() must return DRMAA_PS_FAILED
          - drmaa_wait() must report drmaa_wifaborted() -> true
          - then drmaa_exit() is called */

The funny thing is that the test case expects the (wrong) template to  
be accepted by drmaa_run_job(), and then expects that the job status  
changes to FAILED. The Condor implementation rejects the job template  
at submission time with DRMAA_ERRNO_DENIED_BY_DRM, which is in my  
opinion the right approach according to the spec.

Comments ?


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