[drmaa-wg] Additional error for C binding

Rajic, Hrabri hrabri.rajic at intel.com
Wed Oct 12 14:20:46 CDT 2005

There is how the spec treats a similar parameter job_name:

At the other place spec says:

job name
A job name SHALL comprise alphanumeric and _ characters.
The drmaa-implementation SHALL NOT provide the client with a job
name longer than DRMAA_JOBNAME_BUFFER -1 (1023) characters.
The drmaa-implementation MAY truncate any client-provided job name
to an implementation-defined length that is at least 31 characters.
The attribute name is drmaa_job_name

I think that the intent was to let the implementation provide adequate
space to job_id since it was not marked as an In parameter.  The app
would copy it in an adequate length buffer (incurring performance hit).
C-spec has done optimization here, but the adequate error code is now
missing in the language independent spec.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-drmaa-wg at ggf.org [mailto:owner-drmaa-wg at ggf.org] On Behalf
>Peter Troeger
>Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:53 PM
>To: DRMAA Working Group
>Subject: [drmaa-wg] Additional error for C binding
>the DRMAA C-binding 1.0 defines an additional parameter for the
>string length (job_id_out_len) whenever job_id_out is part of the
>method signature. In the DRMAA spec, this is not considered - the
>string is simply marked as output argument. I would be interested
>what kind of error a DRMAA C-library should return of the buffer for
>the job_id_out parameter is too small: OUT_OF_MEMORY ?

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