[drmaa-wg] [Fwd: [GE users] Drmaa_synchronise() and qsub-launched jobs]

Daniel Templeton Dan.Templeton at Sun.COM
Wed Jul 13 04:06:18 CDT 2005

Here's another bit that could be clearer in the spec.  We don't actually
specify what happens on drmaa_synchronize() if the jobs don't exist.  In
the SGE implementation, we return immediately, as though the jobs are
all finished.  The drmaa_wait() call only implies that it should fail if
the job doesn't exist.  Both routine descriptions should have a very
clear statement describing the behavior when the specified job(s)
doesn't exist.  We also should determine what the behavior for
drmaa_synchronize() should be.  I vote for the same as for drmaa_wait(),
i.e. waiting for a list of jobs that contains invalid (or already waited
for) job ids will fail.  The exception would be waiting for all jobs,
but we've already had that conversation.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[GE users] Drmaa_synchronise() and qsub-launched jobs
Date: 	Tue, 12 Jul 2005 15:00:46 -0700
From: 	Anthony Metzidis <Anthony.Metzidis at pricegrabber.com>
Reply-To: 	users at gridengine.sunsource.net
To: 	users at gridengine.sunsource.net


Does drmaa_synchronise() wait on jobs launched using qsub?  I'm launching
many jobs with qsub, and then later collecting the corresponding job ids and
passing those to drmaa_synchronise().  Although drmaa_synchronise() returns
without error, it returns before the jobs are complete.  

Am I to assume that drmaa_synchronise() only works with jobs launched with

== Code Sample (PERL) ==
# for writing to qsub
use IPC::Open2;
# for timing 
use Time::HiRes;
use Schedule::DRMAAc qw/ :all /;
my $job = "md5sum /etc/fstab";

@alljobs = ();
( $error, $diagnosis ) = drmaa_init( undef );
die drmaa_strerror( $error ) . "\n" . $diagnosis if $error;
foreach $i(0..5){
	my $pid = open2(\*QSUB_OUT, \*QSUB_IN, 'qsub', '-cwd', '-S',
'/bin/bash', '-N', 'The job' );
	print QSUB_IN $job;
	my $out = <QSUB_OUT>; 
	($job_id, $job_name) = ($out =~ /job\s+(\d+)\s+\("(.*)"\)/);

	push @alljobs, $job_id;

print 'JOBS: [', join '][', @alljobs, "]\n";
( $error, $diagnosis ) = drmaa_synchronize( \@alljobs,
die drmaa_strerror( $error ) . "\n" . $diagnosis if $error;

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*        Daniel Templeton   ERGB01 x60220         *
*       Staff Engineer, Sun N1 Grid Engine        *
* "Roads? Where we're going we don't need roads." *
*                    -Dr. Emmett Brown            *
*                     Back to the Future (1985)   *

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