[DFDL-WG] example/use-case wanted - separatorSuppressionPolicy 'trailingEmptyStrict' and 'never'

Mike Beckerle mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 10:12:08 EDT 2021

Users of Apache Daffodil have asked what these property values are for,
i.e., what are idiomatic uses of this property for actual formats, or in
other words, what kind of data are these properties needed for?

I'd like to provide them examples of this if anyone can recall the kinds of
specific use cases for these property values.

I've been searching through the example DFDL schemas I can find, and none
use trailingEmptyStrict or never for this property.

Mike Beckerle | OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | Owl Cyber Defense |
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