[DFDL-WG] Part 2 - Re: Action 307 - Demonstrate implementation interoperability

Mike Beckerle mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 19:50:25 EDT 2018

Based on Daffodil JIRA ticket backlog, and documentation at
https://daffodil.apache.org/unsupported/, below are DFDL non-core features
that are not supported by Daffodil, but that seem to be supported by IBM
DFDL (based on my not finding anything that says they aren't implemented),
and so are possibly in use in DFDL schemas we will need to use for
interoperability testing.

Please advise if IBM DFDL does *not* implement any of these.

* default, fixed - for defaulting values at parse time - Daffodil support
for this is partial at parse time, unsupported at unparse time. The fixed
attribute isn't supported at all.
* unordered sequences
* byte-value entities - in contexts other than fillByte
* ICU symbols 'u' and 'I' in calendarPattern
* binaryFloatRep 'ibm390Hex'
* documentFinalTerminatorCanBeMissing
* textStandardBase - with value not equal to 10
* lengthKind 'prefixed', and prefixIncludesPrefixLength, prefixLengthType -
Note IBM restricts prefixLengthType to a type that itself cannot be
* assert with failure type 'recoverableError'
* calendarObserveDST
* calendarCenturyStart
* textNumberPattern 'V' and 'P' symbols
* CCSID for specifying dfdl:encoding
* nilKind 'literalValue' for binary data
* choiceLengthKind 'explicit' and choiceLength
* separatorSuppressionPolicy - behaviors for these in Daffodil are known to
be both non-standard currently and also different from IBM DFDL. This needs

The above list (after review/correction) needs to be crossed with the
published DFDL schemas on github that were published by IBM. The features
required to run those DFDL schemas are required for Daffodil to implement
before the interoperability demonstration.

Below are features of DFDL I believe neither IBM DFDL nor Daffodil
implement, and as they are non-core, they need not be implemented by either
for interoperability testing:

* lengthKind 'endOfParent'
* nilKind 'logicalValue'
* occursCountKind 'stopValue' (and occursStopValue)
* textBiDi - and other related biDi properties
* useNilForDefault
* floating
* fn:exactlyOne function
* fn:namespace-URI() function
* dfdl:escapeCharacterPolicy 'delimiters' - daffodil doesn't implement this
property at all.

Below are features of Daffodil that are not implemented by IBM DFDL and so
cannot be used in schemas created using Daffodil that intend to be
interoperable. These are either easy to work around, or impossible to work
around, so are not a big deal, they just have to be kept in mind if
considering a DFDL schema for use in interoperability testing. This
includes schemas published on github, for image formats, CSV, etc.,  and a
number of the FOUO schema published on DI2E.net/forge.mil - some of those
quite possibly can work with IBM DFDL, and if they can do so, they should
be modified so that they can be included in the interoperability testing.

The list below mostly comes from

* calendarTimeZone specified as "" (empty string)  - This is the most
problematic one, so I've put it first. The predefined DFDL named format
that is supplied with Daffodil and used as a starting point by most schemas
has calendarTimeZone="". This is because customers didn't like that their
datetimes were all being appended with "+00:00" for UTC time zone (in the
infoset) when the data simply didn't specify a time zone. Schemas intended
for interoperability testing should specify 'UTC' for this property.
* calendarTimeZone specified as an Olson format time zone
* inputValueCalc, outputValueCalc
* hiddenGroupRef
* Asserts and discriminators on simple type definitions or global element
* fn:concat with more than 4 arguments
* non-8-bit charset encodings
* bitOrder not mostSignifcantBitFirst
* '@' in textNumberPattern (TBD: unsure if Daffodil has this)
* "_" in calendarLanguage
* calendarLanguage an expression
* assert & discriminator messages an expression
* binaryBooleanTrueRep as "" (empty string)
* checks for binary packed numbers with length units 'bits' and not a
multiple of 4 length, and similarly for alignmentUnits bits and alignment
not multiple of 4. (relevant to negative tests only)
* lengthKind 'implicit' complex elements inside lengthKind 'delimited'
complex elements.
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