[DFDL-WG] clarification: unionMemberSchema

Mike Beckerle mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com
Tue Mar 28 17:18:35 EDT 2017

If I have nested union types (unions of unions) then does unionMemberSchema
give the "innermost" schema component, or the "outermost"?

This feature was added to DFDL to support PSVI infosets. My use case is not
that, but in implementing this feature I want to make sure I am doing it
consistently with what is needed for the original PSVI need.

Specifically, if I have a valid Element Infoset Item for element 'u' below,
does unionMemberSchema give a SCID for an outerUnion or innerUnion schema

<element name="u">
    <union memberTypes="outerUnion1 outerUnion2"/>

<simpleType name="outerUnion1">
  <union memberTypes="innerUnion1 innerUnion2/>

<simpleType name="outerUnion2">
  <union memberTypes="innerUnion3 innerUnion4/>

<simpleType name="innerUnion1">
  <restriction base="xs:int">

<simpleType name="innerUnion2">
  <restriction base="xs:int">

<simpleType name="innerUnion3">
  <restriction base="xs:int">

<simpleType name="innerUnion4">
  <restriction base="xs:int">

Mike Beckerle | OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | Tresys Technology |
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