[DFDL-WG] Action 242 - complexType with interior alignment - valueLength and contentLength

Mike Beckerle mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 14:08:12 EDT 2016

I have reexamined this material from prior discussions in this group, and
considering the experience of implementing this in Daffodil.
 We're not yet converged on whether the dfdl:contentLength of a complex
element, is allowed to be a function of its starting position due to
variable-sized alignment regions interior to the complex representation.

This creates a situation where a element with dfdl:outputValueCalc can have
variable-length itself, and hence a complex element after it, that it
forward references, can't compute its content's length, because it can't
know the start position due to the variable length OVC element preceding
it. (Got that?)

All I can say is ..... gaaaak.

This scenario is possible due to the way that features compose in DFDL,
which is trying to be fairly orthogonal to each other. Alignment causes
representation lengths to break this orthogonality because length now
depends on the length of previous things.

Our choices:

1) yup must detect this crazy deadlock. Runtime SDE.

2) rule it out by disallowing OVC elements that call dfdl:contentLength
which reference complex elements that have interior alignment, to be
variable length themselves. It's an SDE. (Gaaaaak)

3) rule it out by saying OVC elements can never be variable length (...
.but I think I've seen prefix lengths in textual data before, and those are
naturally variable length... and might not have been adjacent, so not
lengthKind 'prefixed', but needs OVC..... double Gaaaaak)

4) punt it down the road by saying it's 'implementation dependent'
behavior. Still have to say exactly what it is that is implementation
behavior, but this could be a paragraph/subsection in the description of
dfdl:contentLength, dfdl:valueLength, and a reference from the
dfdl:outputValueCalc section.

Better options? Ideas?


Mike Beckerle | OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair | Tresys Technology |
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