[DFDL-WG] Go Meta - RE: DFDL Schema - Mulitple forms of Annotation syntax

Suman Kalia kalia at ca.ibm.com
Mon Apr 27 18:31:11 CDT 2009

Mike - We can create  meta schema and  write XSL utility to create 
ultimate DFDL schema or code it by hand; the latter is a one time effort 
and  undoubtedly there would be some overhead to update the schema by hand 
from one version to another but I don't expect many drastic changes to 
come from one version of the spec to other.   The key part of the issue I 
am trying to resolve is whether the attributes in the special annotations 
will be namespace qualified or whether they will be local attributes (ie 
without namespace qualification).  It affects how the ultimate DFDL schema 
describing annotations will be used by  users and tools.. 

Say if we go with local attributes in complex types and global attributes 
(which by the way be required to support short form of annotations), then 
there will be a processing overhead as you cannot easily determine if a 
particular attribute inherited from  parent container or specified through 
short from is overriding the attribute in the special annotation or not.. 
While making such decisions you would have to do comparison based on base 
name of the attribute and not explicit NCName of the attribute etc.  Also 
you would have to ensure that you take only those attributes from short 
form of annotations which belong to dfdl namespace, strip their namespace 
part for comparing with local attribute name and ensuring that the local 
attributes being matched are part of the enumeration set defined through 
dfdl spec etc.. 

However if you make the attributes in complex type of special annotations 
namespace qualified, then you have somewhat usability issue as I hilited 
in the example but processing wise it is quite efficient and consistent.

Suman Kalia
IBM Toronto Lab
WMB Toolkit Architect and Development Lead
WebSphere Business Integration Application Connectivity Tools 


Tel : 905-413-3923  T/L  969-3923
Fax : 905-413-4850 T/L  969-4850
Internet ID : kalia at ca.ibm.com

"Mike Beckerle" <mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com>
Suman Kalia/Toronto/IBM at IBMCA, "'Alan Powell'" <alan_powell at uk.ibm.com>, 
"'Steve Hanson'" <smh at uk.ibm.com>
<dfdl-wg at ogf.org>
04/22/2009 08:30 AM
Go Meta - RE: DFDL Schema - Mulitple forms of Annotation syntax

These difficulties, all seem to arise from the intellectual objective to 
leverage XML Schema validation against DFDL schema annotations maximally. 
Given the 3 syntaxes, this is a bit painful if done directly.
I suggest the following approach. Write a "Meta XML Schema" for DFDL 
annotations. This XML document would contain exactly one list of all the 
DFDL annotations. E.g., something like:
<!--- This is not a DFDL Schema - it's a meta document --->
<dfdl:defineProperty name="initiator" allowedOn="complexType sequence 
element" type="string" expressionAllowed="yes"/>
<dfdl:defineProperty name="terminator" allowedOn="complexType sequence 
element" type="string" expressionAllowed="yes"/>
This document could be turned into the set of redundant annotations on a 
"real" XML Schema for DFDL annotations by a XSL stylesheet translation. 
This would actually be a pretty easy XSL stylesheet. Each 
dfdl:defineProperty in the meta schema would end up putting content into 
the big enum, a local and global attribute definition, and anywhere else 
needed in the "real" XML Schema for DFDL annotations. 
I would suggest that doc strings might also be good to put in: e.g., 
<dfdl:defineProperty name="initiator" allowedOn="complexType sequence 
element" type="string" expressionAllowed="yes">
Defines a string used to recognize the beginning of a construct..blah blah 
This could then be used to generate online doc also.
I always use this sort of "go meta" approach whenever I have redundant, 
but isomorphic things happening in code. I always create a spec and 
generate the redundant instances from that. This helps tremendously with 
QA, because whole classes of inconsistency errors are ruled out.

1. Shot form syntax 
<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="unbounded" 
dfdl:representation="text" dfdl:initiator="{" dfdl:terminator=”}”/> 

Note: It requires all properties to be defined as global attributes in 
schema as each attribute has to be uniquely identifiable and accessible 
within the DFDL namespace 

2. Long form syntax ( used for dfdl:format and specialized annotations 
such as dfdl:element etc) 

<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="unbounded"> 
      <xs:annotation><xs:appinfo source=”http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/”> 
        <dfdl:format representation="text" initiator=”{“  terminator="}"/> 


Note: Attributes specified here are not qualified with dfdl namespace 
prefix. It means the attributes have to be defined locally within the 
complex type are not accessible directly (like in the short form syntax) 

3.  Long form property representation to ease syntactic expression 
difficulties with data in attribute values: 
    <xs:appinfo source=”http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/”> 
         <dfdl:property name='encoding'>utf-8</dfdl:property> 
         <dfdl:property name='separator'>\n</dfdl:property> 
<dfdl:property name=’initiator’><[CDATA[<!-- ]]></dfdl:property> 

Note: The name attribute will be enumeration of base name of all DFDL 
properties (ie without namespace prefix). On the specialized annotations 
(ie dfdl:element) we will also need to have a repeating child element 
definition for dfdl:property. This annotation will appear on specialized 
annotation element for dfdl attributes whose value cannot be stored as XML 
PS: Alan - when you update the spec for specialized annotation please 
mention this use case  and put an example also. 

To support  syntax form 1 & 2, it  requires defining all attribute 
definition for each  DFDL property multiple times ie one global attribute 
and a local attribute in the complex type of each long form annotation 
element.  Using Attribute groups we can address the latter issue ie define 
related local attributes once in the attribute group and include the 
attribute group in one or more complex type. But it still requires 
defining the attribute definition for each DFDL property atleast twice (ie 
one global and one local attribute definition).  This duplication can 
potentially lead to inconsistency and inadvertently updating one 
definition and not the other. 

One option that we can consider to remove this redundancy is to define 
only the global attribute definition for each DFDL property and include it 
through attribute reference in each of the complex type of  dfdl:format 
and specialized annotations.  The downside of this approach is that 
attributes will appear qualified in the dfdl:format and specialized 
annotation elements. Given below is how the dfdl:format annotation  will 
appear in the user defined schema where each attribute is prefixed with 
dfdl (hilited in green). 

<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="unbounded"> 
      <xs:annotation><xs:appinfo source=”http://www.ogf.org/dfdl/”> 
        <dfdl:format dfdl:representation="text" dfdl:initiator=”{“  dfdl:

From technical perspective (e.g. schema integrity , avoiding duplication 
definitions etc.), this is better but it does have usability issue. 

Suman Kalia
IBM Toronto Lab
WMB Toolkit Architect and Development Lead
WebSphere Business Integration Application Connectivity Tools 


Tel : 905-413-3923  T/L  969-3923
Fax : 905-413-4850 T/L  969-4850
Internet ID : kalia at ca.ibm.com 

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