[DFDL-WG] Agenda for call 2007-02-13

Mike Beckerle mbeckerle.dfdl at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 17:24:45 CST 2008


Topics for this call include -


.         Content for OGF22 Meeting. - I need to know what features of our
progress we want to highlight. The section about status and progress is
where this content goes. Slides 37 through 51 of the OGF21 deck, which is
here: http://forge.ogf.org/sf/go/doc15029?nav=1


.         Comments on Draft 031


.         Review of next tasks 


Old task list below for reference:


Planned (Roughly) 

- 2-level description (schema components) - including UML (Simon) 
- regular expressions for lengths (Alan) 
- valueCalc (Mike) 
- property precedence (Steve) 
- entities (Alan) 
- white space handling (Steve) 
- bring supplements up-to-date (Steve) 
- assertions/discriminators and choice (Suman) 
- how speculative parsing works (combining choice and variable-occurrence -
currently these are separate) (TX person) 
- reordering the properties discussion (move representation earlier, improve
flow of topics) (Alan) 

- escapeSchemes (Ian P) 
- string xml type (Ian P) 
- variables (Mike) 
- selectors (Suman) 
- improvements on property descriptions (All - split tbd) 
- envelopes and payloads (Steve) 

Extraneous to spec   
- develop Schema for DFDL xsd (Suman) 
- develop Schema for Schema DFDL Subset xsd (Suman) 

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