[dfdl-wg] CSV string worked example

Jim Myers jimmyers at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Wed Mar 1 05:49:19 CST 2006

Martin - two types of comments - things I think are 
typos/inconsistencies and an alternate logic:

are the initial definitions on the top element defining an order to 
use subsequently or are they just there for us to see what you've defined?
Of the four there, you only explicitly (in a comment?) invoke one - 
are the others implicit because of the order?
You use dfdl:tokenizer as a conversion later - is that supposed to be 
split as well?
bytetochar is used implicitly before the first split?
chartostring is used implicitly before stringtoint which is 
implicitly used to get the int element?
is EOS a returned value (and therefore of the type being returned) or 
is it an exception?

Logical - what happens if the rows are not in the logical model - 
physically there are 10 rows with 5 elements, but the logical model 
is 50 ints in a single sequence. To support this, you'd need to have 
both tokenization steps in one sequence annotation with two separate 
split separators - does the use of setLocal for split separator work 
in this case? (Is this how byteorder is now used?)
Thinking about missing values - is it clear how a missing row versus 
a missing element is now handled (I think so) - the split conversion 
using comma can define a default input to use if the stream it 
recieves is empty (from a \n\n pair) and the stringtoint conversion 
can do likewise to cover a ,, pair.


At 09:25 PM 2/28/2006, Westhead, Martin (Martin) wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>I have tried to work through the CSV example that Mike suggested a 
>couple of weeks ago. It has turned up some interesting issues which 
>I have tried to address. These are less about making the underlying 
>semantics work and more about providing a seamless default set up 
>that makes the easy things work just as you would like.
>I was pushed for time on this so I apologies if this is unclear in 
>places, but I wanted to put it out before tomorrow's meeting.

James D. Myers
Associate Director, Cyberenvironments and Technologies, NCSA
1205 W. Clark St, MC-257
Urbana, IL 61801
jimmyers at ncsa.uiuc.edu
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