Fw: [dfdl-wg] minutes of call 2005-09-14

Mike Beckerle beckerle at us.ibm.com
Thu Sep 15 09:28:54 CDT 2005

Yes it is regrettable that we need that 2nd case escape sequence, but I 
did some real digging into this, and the w3c groups would I believe not be 
receptive to reopening this issue. It's not a syntactic thing, it's about 
C language API access to the XML Infoset. No string from XML data can have 
a nul (zero) char code in its content so that XML string content is 
compatible with C's nul terminated string convention.  Basically, this 
restriction lets fairly ordinary C code manipulate XML infoset content. If 
the nul char code restriction were not there then you'd need a whole 
non-standard string library in C to deal with XML infoset contents. I 
don't think this is feasible. The other character codes they disallow are 
about the non-characters of Unicode. I.e., the XML infoset can't contain 
surrogate-pair fragments. Rather the infoset contents must contain the 
full characters those represent, and finally the byte-order-mark 
codepoints are not considered valid contents for the infoset  either.

Note that for DFDL, since data we're describing can contain NUL in 
strings, a C-callable API to a DFDL described 'infoset' must allow for the 
strings to contain NUL bytes. As a prescriptive format for data, XML could 
get away with solving the problem by avoidance. As a descriptive approach 
DFDL does not have this luxury, so dealing with DFDL-described string data 
from C means dealing with string data with C where the string terminating 
NUL conventions aren't necessarily respected. Similarly we must be able to 
deal with things that contain surrogate pairs, even unpaired, and byte 
order marks, etc. 

I considered whether we could get away with just the 'bytes' escape 
sequence (the \%xHH; format in my proposed syntax), but I concluded we 
also need the '\#xHH;' syntax for dealing with UTF-16 and UTF-32 character 
sets, which I expect will become more common over time, particularly 

Also, one of the strong arguments for '\#xHH;' syntax is the 'foolish 
consistency' argument. You can always use '\#xHH;', you don't have to 
think about whether XML allows the codepoint or not . So it simplifies 
life for DFDL schema authors. DFDL authors can just uniformly use 
'\#xHHHHHH;' (up to 6 hex digits, maximum value 10FFFF) when they want to 
specify a unicode character code and forget about XML character references 
entirely if they want. 

BTW: I consider the "\#" as similar to '&#' in XML syntax. I.e., you can 
specify hex via the 'x' or decimal without the 'x', and up to 6 hex digits 
are allowed, 7 decimal digits (max value 1114111 decimal, 0x10FFFF hex). 
This is different from the '\%HH; syntax which requires exactly one or two 
hex digits. This behavior is needed to deal with endianness issues. I.e., 
in a single byte charset if you allowed '\%xFEFF;' then which byte appears 
at the lower address in the data, the #xFE or the #xFF ? The above 
restriction avoids all of that at the cost of requiring you to explicitly 
specify '\%xFE;\%xFF;'.

As for syntax '\#0xHH;' or '\%xHH;'. I used a percent sign because it's 
used for hex byte specifications in a URL standard format which is a very 
very minor precedent.  I am a bit concerned that people will expect 
'\#xHH;' and '\#0xHH;' to be synonyms. I.e., that use of the leading zero 
seems rather subtle. I'd kind of prefer an entirely different escape 
sequence indicator than a subtle distinction like this. What's going on is 
quite significantly different. One is talking about unicode codepoints, 
the other about representation bytes. I think they shoudl be loudly 

Mike Beckerle
Architect, Scalable Computing
IBM Software Group
Information Integration Solutions
Westborough, MA

Steve Hanson <smh at uk.ibm.com> 
Sent by: owner-dfdl-wg at ggf.org
09/15/2005 04:56 AM

dfdl-wg at gridforum.org

Fw: [dfdl-wg] minutes of call 2005-09-14

Hi Mike

Re the three escape mechanisms. It is unfortunate that we need a separate
mechanism for the second case (as discussed in the draft spec section 26).

Re the third mechanism for escaping hex literals. An alternative syntax
could be \#0x2C; using 0x to indicate hex.  &#0x2C; would be even better -
but does it cause XML problems?

Regards, Steve

----- Forwarded by Steve Hanson/UK/IBM on 15/09/2005 09:33 -----
             Mike Beckerle 
             <beckerle at us.ibm. 
             com>                                                       To 

             Sent by:                  dfdl-wg at gridforum.org 
             owner-dfdl-wg at ggf                                          cc 


                                       [dfdl-wg] minutes of call 
             14/09/2005 22:18          2005-09-14 

Who: Jim Myers, Mike Beckerle, Tara Talbott, Steve Hanson, Geoff Judd, Bob


GGF plans - we will have F2F at GGF15. The schedule of our WG sessions at
the GGF15 are not yet set, but we'll have F2F meetings during the
non-scheduled times. We're counting on the fact that most of our DFDL WG
members are focused on DFDL and won't mind the conflict with the rest of
GGF15 much. People should make travel plans for all 3 days M, T, W.

GridForge Forums - these seem to be working now. Will try them when one of
our subcommittees reports back to the broader WG. E.g., scoping or arrays.

Issues list - we made it through items 5 to 15

Issue 5 - resolution. No built-in set of defaults. If you need a property
and your configuration doesn't have one specified then it is an error.
There is a small set of named configurations provided with DFDL each of
which is a self-consistent set of properties. This is probably the set 
we find useful in the primer and other WG docs.

Issue 6 - resolution. change attribute name from 'base' to 'extends'

Issue 7 - belongs on same tracker as 8, 9, 10

Issue 11 - resolution: add an attribute 'byteOrderMarkPolicy' values are:
required, notAllowed, optionalButGenerateOnOutput, optionalButOmitOnOutput
(the generate on output control aspect was not discussed on the call. I
thought of that just now while typing.)

Issue 12 - fix diagram - omission of these types was unintentional. Better
diagram next draft

Issue 13 and 14 - new tracker item - Steve Hanson, Geoff Judd and someone
from MikeB's team at IBM to address

Issue 15 - resolution: each delimiter will grow an extra rep-property for
its regexp variant. E.g., separator will have corresponding 
property. Only one of the two may be specified.

We discussed that separator (or any delimiter) can be a text string, and 
had previously decided that the separatorEncoding attribute would go away
to be replaced by a syntax for expressing hex bytes (not hex character
codes, real non-charset transformed hex bytes) as part of delimiter strng
literals. This same way of putting hex bytes would also be supported as
part of the regexp language so that the regexp language remains able to
include any non-regular expression for a delimiter into a regular

(Editor's Note: this is a bit tricky. We now have in string literals 3
different escape mechanisms that are different.

1) XML character code specifiers e.g., 'abc&#x2C;def' which is the normal
XML way of specifying the unicode #x2C character code. (This is an XML
standard escape convention.) Used inside a delimiter string this means 
the unicode #x2c code point, figure out what character it corresponds to 
the charset of the data element and use that character. Note that this is
the same thing that 'a' means. Take the 'a' unicode code point, figure out
what character corresponds to 'a' in the charset of the data element, and
look for that.

2) nonXML character code specifiers e.g., 'abc\#x00;def' which is the way
we allow you to put XML-disallowed unicode character codes like #x00 into 
string literal. (This is a DFDL convention). The interpretation here is
exactly like the above. I.e., '\#x2c;' is exactly equivalent to '&#x2c;'
and the charset mapping applies as above. This rule is only needed because
of the XML restriction disallowing certain unicode character codes from 
XML infoset.

3) non-character byte specifiers. E.g., 'abc\%01;\%02;def' which is a
proposed escape syntax that means put the bytes #x01 and #x02 into the
string literal bypassing any considerations of charset, i.e., without
considering them to be character codes in any character set. That is, 
byte values have nothing to do with unicode codepoint values. (This is a
DFDL convention.) The other characters of the string would be treated as
per (1) and/or (2) above.


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