[data-wg] CFP 2nd DIALOGUE workshop: Application-Driven Issues in Data Grids

neil p chue hong N.ChueHong at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Wed Dec 21 05:35:29 CST 2005

Apologies for crossposting


Second DIALOGUE Workshop: Applications-Driven Issues in Data Grids 
February 9 & 10, 2006 eScience Institute National eScience Centre
15 South College Street
Edinburgh, UK.

As more and more applications move towards distributed storage and
processing solutions, new and interesting issues arise. Applications must
handle varying, sometimes extremely large data sizes and increasingly
complex data models. These applications also often must allow fine grained
access control. Applications areas - from engineering to basic biomedical
research to clinical research - share common challenges and encounter domain
specific issues regarding the storage, management, and processing of
requirements in a data grid environment. Future data grid middleware
solutions will need to be able to deal with these issues in generalizable,
globally applicable ways.

Call For Participation

The DIALOGUE workshops aim to bring together researchers and developers to
create a framework that composes a range of complementary technologies and
research efforts in order to make these readily available to researchers and
scientific organizations world-wide.

Presentations and discussions at the second DIALOGUE workshop will cover
applications scenarios that identify what is required from data services in
the short to medium term (1-3 years), and the obstacles preventing the
achievement of their data integration goals. Presentations may discuss how
such issues can be generalized and abstracted so that they can be addressed
by existing grid middleware and/or may propose potential middleware
approaches to address these issues.

In particular, at this workshop we are interested in presentations
addressing the following topics:

- High level data access and integration use cases
-- use of data abstractions in applications
-- use of data integration in application workflows
-- use of data transport in applications and data integration 

- Integration of diverse data resources
-- schema integration, evolution and management
-- data mediation services
-- alternative data resources (e.g. web based data sources, streams, map
data, files)
-- distributed queries

- Data provenance
-- services for generating and maintaining provenance information
-- requirements for minimal sets of provenance information

Presentation abstracts (<1000 words) should be submitted to
dialogue at datagrids.org by 15 January 2006. 

For event registration please visit: http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/636/
For more details about DIALOGUE including presentations from the previous
workshop please visit: http://www.datagrids.org/

Programme Committee
    * Co-Chair, Malcolm Atkinson (NeSC)
    * Co-Chair, Joel Saltz (OSU)
    * Member, Pinar Alper (University of Manchester)
    * Member, Chaitan Baru (SDSC)
    * Member, Peter Brezany (University of Vienna)
    * Member, Shannon Hastings (OSU)
    * Member, Neil Chue Hong (EPCC)
    * Member, Jason Novotny (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
    * Member, Beth Plale (Indiana University)

Neil P Chue Hong            | T: [+44] (0)131 650 5957
Project Manager, EPCC       | F: [+44] (0)131 650 6555
Rm 2409, JCMB, Mayfield Rd. | E: N.ChueHong at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK      | W: http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk      

BT MeetMe: http://tinyurl.com/8mwhd - Code: 14712935#  

  "A film is like a battleground. It's love, hate, action,
   violence, death - in a word, emotion." - Sam Fuller

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