[DAIS-WG] DAIS Call Minutes - 22nd March 2011

Steven Lynden steven.lynden at aist.go.jp
Tue Mar 22 23:17:08 CDT 2011

DAIS Call - 22nd March 2011

  Mario Antonioletti, EPCC
  Oscar Corcho, UPM
  Carlos Buil Aranda, UPM
  Isao Kojima, AIST
  Steven Lynden, AIST


- Planned submission of the RDF Querying Specification.
- Status of the RDF implementations and interoperability testing plan.
- The WS-DAI/DAIR reviews.


[CBA] Try to get information about how the results of updates will be
encoded in SPARQL 1.1.

[OC] Email the potential DAI/DAIR reviewer identified during the call.

[IK] Email the previous reviewer to say that due to time constraints
we have decided to turn to an alternative reviewer.

[SL/IK] Submit the RDF querying specification by the end of March and
encourage people comment on it during its public comment phase.

[SL] Plan interoperability testing for the RDF Querying Specification.


Concerning the RDF Querying specification document, we have limited
feedback and would encourage people to comment if they have time.
Planned date of submission is March 30th, it is noted that once
submitted, we need to be proactive in trying to get people to comment
on the document.

It is desirable for the specifications to be able to use either SPARQL
1.0 or SPARQL 1.1, however it is not clear how to communicate the
results of updates. Carlos offers to try and find out more information
about this. The RDF Querying specification takes into account the
changes to the core specification made as a result of interoperability
testing. It can proceed independently of the review of the core spec
and any changes as a consequence of the core specification review can
be made at a later date, for example during interoperability testing.

Regarding implementations of the RDF querying specification, Carlos
has one that is almost complete although this work has been put to one
side for the moment. It should be possible to use this and AIST's
implementation to do interoperability testing once the RDF querying
specification has gone through public comment. Steven should try to
plan when this will take place.

The reviewer of the WS-DAI/DAIR specifications has been very busy and
unable to provide reviews so far. As this situation has been the same
for the best part of a year, it is decided that another reviewer
should be approached.

The group discusses the various options and in the end agrees on a
candidate identified by Oscar. Oscar will contact this potential
reviewer. Isao will send an email to the previous reviewer explaining
our decision.

It is noted that nobody from the group will attend the upcoming OGF
31. One of the group chairs may need to send a summary of activity if
requested by the leaders of the Data Area. Oscar notes that there is
no plan to work further on the RDF ontology specification at the

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