[DAIS-WG] DAIS RDF Telcon Notes

Mario Antonioletti mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Jun 18 02:53:46 CDT 2009

DAIS RDF Call - 18th June 2009


      	Mario Antonioletti, EPCC
      	Steven Lynden, AIST
         Isao Kojima, AIST
      	Miguel Esteban Gutierrez, UPM
         Oscar Corcho, UPM


- Progress, status of:
           - query document
           - ontology documents
           - DAIS RDF motivational document
- Planning


[MEG] Put the WSDL/XSD for the RDF(S) spec on SVN on Grid Forge.

       To be done by the end of this week.

Query document and ontology document have stalled just now - not
enough spare cycles.

AIST got some feedback about the query document from Carlos to do with
the return type of factories that extend, as opposed to use, the end
point reference type which causes problems when using JAXB. Steven
will send out an email the list and note it as an issue in the DAIR
interop test. Might as well change if it causes no other conflicts.

Isao distributed a copy of the motivational document internally amongst
the group - this will be made public at a later date.  Isao used the
previous OGF paper to structure and add new content to the document.
Looking for feedback just now. He reckons we need new use cases and to
add more content.

Plan is for people to feedback to Isao just now. Isao should pass on
the latest copy of the document to Oscar by Monday. Oscar will keep
have the write token on the document from Monday for at least a week -
until the end of the week or until he relinquishes it. As soon as the
document is fit to be in a public state it should go up on Grid Forge
and we should explicitly solicit feedback from individuals -
especially to get new use cases. It would be nice to submit to OGF for
public comment by the next OGF. Once this has gone through public 
comment we should aim to get the other documents through the editor
pipeline relatively quickly and as we have existing implementations
on the go to do the interop as well.

Oscar mentioned that the EU project SensorGrid - deals with semantics
and hence is using RDF will use the spec. The architecture docs will
be available the end of August. Will mainly use the query spec, not
sure about the ontology spec yet.

DONM 8am UK time (GMT + 1), 2nd July

|Mario Antonioletti:EPCC,JCMB,The King's Buildings,Edinburgh EH9 3JZ.   |
|Tel:0131 650 5141|mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk|http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/~mario/ |
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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