[DAIS-WG] OGSA-DAI 3.0 Released.

Mario Antonioletti mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Sep 6 13:19:54 CDT 2007

OGSA-DAI 3.0 Released!

7th September 2007

The OGSA-DAI project, a partner in OMII-UK, have released version 3.0
of their database access and integration software.

OGSA-DAI provides an extensible framework designed for the exposure of
structured data resources - whether these be databases, files or other
types of data - onto a Grid. It allows these to be accessed via Web
services. Most importantly, it provides a workflow engine for the
execution of data-centric workflows involving data access, update,
transformation and delivery operations.

Driven by requirements from users the OGSA-DAI team have produced
OGSA-DAI 3.0. This is a complete redesign and rewrite of the OGSA-DAI
software and includes a number of major changes implemented in
response to requirements from existing users:

-OGSA-DAI's workflow units have been simplified and unified to be both
  more extensible and standardised, and to allow workflows to be
  composed more easily.
-Multiple databases can be utilised within the scope of a single
-Different parts of a workflow can operate upon different parts of a
  data stream concurrently.
-Resources and services have been refactored to improve
  modularity and reduce functional overloading.
-APIs have been completely refactored to allow developers to utilise
  application-specific functionality and databases within OGSA-DAI more

Versions of this release compliant with Axis 1.4, Axis 1.2.1 and
Globus Toolkit 4.0.5 are available.

This release provides a powerful product for both data integrators and
developers of data applications to build upon and which the OGSA-DAI
team hopes will benefit the e-Science community.

To download OGSA-DAI 3.0 visit:


To find out more about OGSA-DAI 3.0 read the user doc at:


To find out more about OGSA-DAI visit:


The OGSA-DAI project - which involves both EPCC and NeSC - is funded 
by EPSRC through OMII-UK.

For further information, contact the OGSA-DAI team (info at ogsadai.org.uk).

For further information about OMII-UK visit http://www.omii.ac.uk.

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