[dais-wg] Reminder: DIALOGUE workshop on Applications-Driven Issues in Data Grids

Mario Antonioletti mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Jun 23 10:08:45 CDT 2005

|   First DIALOGUE Workshop: Applications-Driven Issues in Data Grids |

              Dates    : August 1 & 2, 2005
              Location : The Blackwell,
                         The Ohio State University,
                         Columbus, Ohio, USA.

            More info: http://dialogue.datagrids.org/workshops.cfm

             Abstract sumbission deadline extended to 1st July

As more and more applications move towards distributed storage and 
processing solutions, new and interesting issues arise. Applications must 
handle varying, sometimes extremely large data sizes and increasingly 
complex data models. These applications also often must allow fine grained 
access control. Applications areas from engineering to basic biomedical 
research to clinical research share common challenges and encounter domain 
specific issues regarding the storage, management, and processing of 
requirements in a data grid environment. Future data grid middleware 
solutions will need to be able to deal with these issues in generalizable, 
globally applicable ways.

Call For Participation

Presentations and discussions at this first DIALOGUE workshop will cover 
applications scenarios that reveal issues encountered in the participants' 
current data grid solutions. Presentations may discuss how such issues can 
be generalized and abstracted so that they can be addressed by existing 
grid middleware and/or may propose potential middleware approaches to 
address these issues.

Presentation abstracts (<1000 words) should be submitted to 
dialogue at datagrids.org by July 1, 2005.

Potential Topics

        o Integrative basic cancer research
        o Clinical data management
        o Large scale image analysis and visualization
        o Assimilation of sensor-gathered datasets
        o Large-scale, simulation-based subsurface characterization and

        o Storage and management of extremely large volumes of data
        o Data mining and warehousing
        o Complex and varying models of data
        o Querying and subsetting of large datasets
        o Integration of multiple data types
        o Integration across multiple scales of data
        o Fine grain access control
        o Management and execution of data- and compute-intensive workflows

Workshop Chairs
Malcolm Atkinson, NeSC
Joel Saltz,       OSU

Program Committee
Malcolm Atkinson, NeSC, co-chair
Joel Saltz,       OSU, co-chair
Pinar Alper,      Univeristy of Manchester
Chaitan Baru,     SDSC
Peter Brezany,    University of Vienna
Shannon Hastings, OSU
Neil Chue Hong,   EPCC
Jason Novotny,    Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Beth Plale,       Indiana University

|Mario Antonioletti:EPCC,JCMB,The King's Buildings,Edinburgh EH9 3JZ.   |
|Tel:0131 650 5141|mario at epcc.ed.ac.uk|http://www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/~mario/ |

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