[dais-wg] DAIS related DMTF Activities

Susan Malaika malaika at us.ibm.com
Fri Jun 17 03:13:52 CDT 2005

This note describes some activities in the DMTF (Distributed Management 
Task Force) that were initiated by DAIS (Database Access and Integration) 
or that are of particular interest to DAIS. I take responsibility for 
errors in these notes :-) 

You may like to consider participating in one of the 3 DMTF activities 
that are listed below. An  employee of a DMTF Board, Leadership or 
Participating member organization can join any DMTF working group. There 
are at least two ways non-member companies can participate:
- One person from the whole of GGF (from a non-member company) can join a 
particular DMTF working group. 
- Any number of people from academia can join a particular DMTF group. 
There are joining instructions at the DMTF Web-site 
http://www.dmtf.org/join and information on policy here 

DAIS ( https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/dais-wg ) working group at GGF 
(Global Grid Forum) are defining the WS-DAI interfaces for accessing 
various kinds of data management systems (e.g., relational, XML, object)
DAIS needs to make available the properties of resources being accessed, 
e.g., relational tables, databases, as XML. To complete the 
specifications, DAIS needs XML schemas for those resources. DAIS would 
like the XML schemas to be generated from the relevant portions of the 
DMTF CIM (Common Information Model). DAIS would like the XML schemas to be 
publicized by the DMTF so DAIS and others can just refer to the 
appropriate namespace in the specifications. 
CIM is being extended to include additional items, such as relational 
tables, that are useful for DAIS and other groups working in the area of 
relational database. 

The GGF DMTF Work Register:
This is a joint agreed list across GGF and DMTF of action items of mutual 
interest with dates and timeframes. The following work item is being added 
to the GGF DMTF work register: 
The DMTF will publicize the following over time: 
(1) namespaces to identify XML schemas for properties produced from a 
particular version of a CIM model
(2) the XML schemas themselves 
The provision of such a namespaces will enable:
a. GGF specifications (and other specifications) to refer to the XML 
schemas for properties without embedding the schemas in the body of the 
b. XML schemas for properties for CIM resources to be consistent across 
multiple specifications 
Note that, because the DMTF guarantees the  backward compatibility of CIM 
versions within a major version number, future  specifications are assured 
of being semantically compatible.(Model additions must be proper 

The following activities of interest to DAIS are taking place in these 
DMTF groups:
(1) The DMTF WIP Group (WBEM [Web Based Enterprise Management] 
Infrastructure and Protocols Group) 
chair: Jim Davis jim.davis at wbemsolutions.com.mess.up.email.address 
This group meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at noon US eastern 
One of this group's goals is to supply a namespace for the DAIS Working 
group for inclusion in the WS-DAI specifications. The goal is to define 
the namespace scheme by the end of August 2005.  Some considerations that 
DAIS have regarding the namespace:
Whether there will be one namespace per DMTF CIM version
Whether there will be multiple entry points into the model (e.g., at the 
root, at the SQLObject etc)
I've discussed the namespace requirement with this group and we agreed the 
August 2005 date for the namespace as a goal.

(2) The DMTF WS-CIM Group (a sub-team of the WIP Group): 
co-chairs: Andreas Maier maiera at de.ibm.com.mess.up.email.address and Josh 
This group meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 3pm US eastern 
One of this group's goals is to define the mapping from the CIM to XML 
schema. This group does not have a target date yet for completing the 
mapping work. 
I've discussed the kind of XML schema that the DAIS group needs with 
Andreas and with Andrea Westerinen (an XML schema that uses XML as its 
underlying model, and not another model - e.g., not a representation of 
UML in XML) 

(3) The DMTF Database Group 
chair: Todd Guay todd.guay at oracle.com.mess.up.email.address 
   This group meets bi-weekly on Mondays at noon US eastern 
This group is reviewing proposed extensions to the database portion of the 
CIM model to incorporate constructs such as relational schemas, tables, 
routines, that DAIS and others need.  This work is still in 
the definitional and review stage and is expected to be completed in a few 
months (especially if you help :-). Other database types could be 
considered in the future if there is interest in the DMTF Database Group, 
but I don't think they are in the group's plan at this point. 
As well as having some sessions with the group on the relational model and 
how it should be attached to the current CIM model, I've discussed GGF and 
academic participation in the database group. Todd was most welcoming. 

Susan Malaika

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