---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Nadia Yousufzai <[1]nyousufzai@palantir.com> Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2022, 6:03 PM Subject: Palantir & To: [2]g@xny.io <[3]g@xny.io> Hi Gunnar, Following up to see if you’re interested in discussing Foundry for Builders? You can watch one of our customer testimonials from the program [4]here. If you think that Foundry could help your business, let me know a time that works and I will send over an invite. Thank you, Nadia Yousufzai Palantir Technologies 240-810-3808 [5]Unsubscribe [U61d8615rGQhIGOJpBpHYp16AFI.gif] References 1. mailto:nyousufzai@palantir.com 2. mailto:g@xny.io 3. mailto:g@xny.io 4. https://groove.grvlnk2.com/url/U61d8615rGQhIGOJpBpHYp16AFI/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g_dj0xeDUxc09uU2hZayNncm9vdmVzdW06LTc4MzY4ODcyOQ== 5. https://app.grooveapp.com/unsubscribe/U61d8615rGQhIGOJpBpHYp16AFI